Packaging , Processing , Services

Bizerba is Top Supplier Retail 2020 ? for the installation of the Scan&Go solution Supersmart powered by Bizerba at Makro Czech Republic

Supersmart powered by BIZERBA is an innovative solution for the retail industry that will change the shopping experience. Waiting at the checkout is reduced and the tedious process of putting goods on the conveyor belt is no longer necessary. This is made possible by the use of innovative technologies such as AI and image recognition. For retailers, the system fulfills the dream of reduced loss ? with current self-checkout solutions, this is around 4%. Makro Czech Republic relies on Supersmart powered by Bizerba in seven stores. Customers in these stores use their own smartphone to scan the products. Via an app specially adapted for Makro, the customer has an overview of his purchases at all times. At the checkout at the cash desk a scale checks whether the weight of the purchase matches the scanned shopping basket. In the background, an artificial intelligence works in parallel, comparing the shopping basket with the usual shopping patterns and customer big data, and an image recognition software checks the image taken against the scanned shopping basket. If the validation is successful, payment can be made using common methods. If there is a discrepancy, the customer is discreetly informed that he has probably forgotten to scan something. New here is that the customer is not left alone with the problem but receives concrete suggestions which product might be missing.

25 February, 2020
Supersmart powered by BIZERBA is an innovative solution for the retail industry that will change the shopping experience. Waiting at the checkout is reduced and the tedious process of putting goods on the conveyor belt is no longer necessary. This is made possible by the use of innovative technologies such as AI and image recognition. For retailers, the system fulfills the dream of reduced loss – with current self-checkout solutions, this is around 4%. Makro Czech Republic relies on Supersmart powered by Bizerba in seven stores. Customers in these stores use their own smartphone to scan the products. Via an app specially adapted for Makro, the customer has an overview of his purchases at all times. At the checkout at the cash desk a scale checks whether the weight of the purchase matches the scanned shopping basket. In the background, an artificial intelligence works in parallel, comparing the shopping basket with the usual shopping patterns and customer big data, and an image recognition software checks the image taken against the scanned shopping basket. If the validation is successful, payment can be made using common methods. If there is a discrepancy, the customer is discreetly informed that he has probably forgotten to scan something. New here is that the customer is not left alone with the problem but receives concrete suggestions which product might be missing. Supersmart powered by Bizerba is available worldwide in different versions and combines the technology of Supersmart – an Israeli start-up in which Bizerba is a shareholder – and the retail know-how and service network of Bizerba. Retailers can operate the solution either with their own handheld devices or via an app on the customer's smartphone – this keeps the investment manageable. "I am very proud of this award from the EHI, as it shows that we are placing the right topics in the retail sector with our innovative solutions", said Andreas Kraut during the award ceremony. Yair Cleper, Founder and CEO of Supersmart stated: “This is a great honour for the Supersmart team that Bizerba is the Top supplier Retail for the implementation of our Supersmart solution together with METRONOM at Makro Czech Republic. For me that’s a great award for our solution, too. Our vision of changing the way we shop is happening here and now". Tudor Andronic, Vice President Retail at Bizerba, says: "The retail sector is facing a revolution. New technologies are increasingly in demand by customers and are gradually finding their way into the markets. At the same time, the willingness of customers to wait is decreasing. We meet this challenge and are convinced that with Supersmart powered by Bizerba we can offer our customers a functioning solution". The solution Supersmart powered by Bizerba was presented at the Euroshop in Düsseldorf. Contact SupersmartDoron KarniVP MarketingMobil: About BizerbaBizerba offers its customers in industry, trade, and logistics a globally unique solutions portfolio of hardware and software around the central value "weight". This portfolio includes products and solutions related to slicing, processing, weighing, cashing, checking, commissioning and labeling. A wide range of services from consulting and service, labels and consumables to leasing complete the portfolio. Since 1866 Bizerba has made a significant contribution to the developments in the area of weighing technology and today is represented in 120 countries. The customer base includes globally operating companies in trade and industry as well as retailers, bakeries and butcheries. With around 4.100 employees worldwide and with its headquarters in Balingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Bizerba has been in the same family for five generations. Additional production facilities are located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, China and USA. Bizerba also has a global network of sales and service locations.
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