Cooling and CA

BRAVO apples reach 8 months of storage thanks to DCA-CF technology

Some of you may know what a successful apple BRAVO is in Australia. Unfortunately, the storage has been limited to mostly 6 months due to shrivelling and loss of firmness during storage. ISOLCELL is pleased to announce that possibly the last room of this variety has recently been opened after 8 months storage using no postharvest chemicals but only Isolcell?s DCA-CF and ISOFOG technology. The results are sensational and this is also thanks to a great team effort by the grower Gerard Alampi and the packhouse Valley Pack Storage ? Growing a great product, picking it at the right time and storing it in the best possible way known to date.

26 January, 2022
Some of you may know what a successful apple BRAVO is in Australia. Unfortunately, the storage has been limited to mostly 6 months due to shrivelling and loss of firmness during storage. ISOLCELL is pleased to announce that possibly the last room of this variety has recently been opened after 8 months storage using no postharvest chemicals but only Isolcell’s DCA-CF and ISOFOG technology. The results are sensational and this is also thanks to a great team effort by the grower Gerard Alampi and the packhouse Valley Pack Storage – Growing a great product, picking it at the right time and storing it in the best possible way known to date. ISOSTORE (DCA-CF), the dynamic controlled atmosphere by using fluorescence sensorsThis technology is the only one on the market that attains the lowest possible oxygen level and therefore achieves a much higher storage quality, without incurring the risk of the product fermenting. It is a technology, which by using special sensors, makes it possible to dynamically control the atmosphere, adapting it to the physiological condition of the fruit and to the its biological activity over time. This method is based on measuring the chlorophyll fluorescence signal contained in the peel of the fruit, using special sensors that monitor a product sample in storage. Below a specific oxygen level, the fluorescence signal of the fruit clearly increases, showing that it has reached the LOL (Lower Oxygen Limit). This important information helps maintain the oxygen level inside the storage cells as low as possible to preserve the organoleptic properties of the fruit as they were when freshly picked and to avoid post-harvest anti-scald chemical treatments without the risk of the product fermenting. ISOFOG, humidification systemIsofog has been designed to satisfy the need to maintain a high humidity in large capacity produce storage cells. The operating principle of this system is very simple: water, at low pressure, is atomized with compressed air, or nitrogen if necessary. Using simple calibrations, carried out after the system is assembled, the proper quantity and quality of water available for individual requirements is provided. This system has proven to be the most effective method to humidify storage cells for fruits and vegetables since it combines high capacity with a fine water spray. The system does not require any routine maintenance.
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