The Austral University of Chile, UACH, located at the Region of Los R?os, Valdivia, Chile, call for Applicants to apply to a full time academic position at the Biochemistry and Microbiology Institute, Faculty of Sciences. The Institute offers four graduate programmes: a PhD programmes in Cellular and Molecular Biology, a Ph. D. Program in Microbiology, Master of Science in Microbiology and Master of Science in Biochemistry Biotechnology. The language of instruction is Spanish and English. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree and show clear evidence of working in the fields of Molecular Biology,
The Austral University of Chile, UACH, located at the Region of Los R?os, Valdivia, Chile, call for Applicants to apply to a full time academic position at the Biochemistry and Microbiology Institute, Faculty of Sciences. The Institute offers four graduate programmes: a PhD programmes in Cellular and Molecular Biology, a Ph. D. Program in Microbiology, Master of Science in Microbiology and Master of Science in Biochemistry Biotechnology. The language of instruction is Spanish and English. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree and show clear evidence of working in the fields of Molecular Biology, Genomics and Bioinformatics. The position is to support and to strengthen the Sciences Ph.D. Programs in Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolution and Veterinary Sciences. The Ministry of Education, by Exempt Resolution N? 584 of 26/10/2012, has awarded performance-based contracts proposals for Teachers? initial Training, Academic Innovation and for Technical Professional Development, under the framework of the Institutional Development, Fund, 2012. The Universidad Austral de Chile attempts to use the allocated resources in the proposal ?Consolidation and Internationalization of the Doctorate Programs to increase the Competitiveness and Productivity of the UACh, in Bioscience, Biotechnology and Veterinary Sciences strategic areas, as a base for the ?Social and Productive Development?, code AUS 1203, to provide eligible payments under this Call for Applications. General antecedentsCall for applications to provide one full-time academic position for a Professional holding a Ph.D. degree to belong to the Institute of Biochemistry and Microbiology from the Faculty of Sciences, with the purpose of strengthening the Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolution and Veterinary Science doctoral programs, in the fields of Genomics and Bioinformatics. PositionThis Call is oriented to Biochemists, Biologist or equivalent, with a Ph.D. Degree in the area of Molecular Biology and Genomics-Bioinformatics. The applicant must provide clear and consistent evidence of working in the above mentioned areas by means of scientific publications and research Grants. Ideally, He ( She) should demonstrate his (her) skills to develop and to handle bioinformatics tools applied to i) functional genomics in model organisms or pathogens, and /or ii) gene expression regulation. Position?s general responsibilitiesIt is expected that the hired academics will be shortly involved in:1. Training new Ph.D students, by actively participating in teaching and supervising Ph D. theses in in Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolution and Veterinary Science Ph.D. Programs2. To Provide Leading Scientific Research evidence, through ISI publications and national competitive FONDECYT research grants or quivalent.3. Associated Scientific Research, through national and international collaborative projects4. Teaching undergraduate and graduate students.5. University Management, to include availability to participate in committees or work teams related to the position. Application Requirements- To have a Doctor of Science Degree at the time of application, obtained from a national or foreign accredited program.- To show the skills and experience in scientific research.- Advanced English level.- To pass a Psicological Assessment Test.- Professionals holding at least a part-time or full time contract with the Universidad Austral de Chile, are not allowed to apply. Benefits- Full time contract in the academic category based on antecedents.- Salary according to the academic category the applicant is hired. Antecedents required for Application- Doctor?s Degree accredited- Curriculum Vitae and a copy of three of his/her most relevant ISI publications for this position must accompany the application.-Two reference letters from outstanding national or international scientific researchers- Written statement of the reasons for submitting his/her application The preference availability to take the position is ideally on December, 2014. Applicants? antecedents Selection and evaluation- The applicant?s background will be evaluated by an ad hoc committee. An academic presentation or an interview could be requested to some of the postulants.- The antecedents of this process will be subjected to revision and ratification by the Committee on Human Advanced Capital. The University reserves the right to declare desert this contest without total or partial expression of cause.- Applications should arrive by October 10th, 2014, to the following address:Concurso Acad?mico N? 23- MECESUP AUS 1203Direcci?n de PersonalUniversidad Austral de ChileCasilla 567Valdivia, Chile- The results will come out October, 27th, 2014- For further Questions or additional information, please contact:Dra. Ana Mar?a Z?rragaHead of Graduate SchoolScience FacultyUniversidad Austral de ChileP.O. 567, Valdivia, Chile. 5090000Phone: +56 (63) 222-1299Email: