
CAMPOSOL bets on PACLIFE's innovative active packaging (MAP)

Maintaining the quality and useful life of the fruits is one of the demands and priorities that are sought when transporting them to distant destinations, so during this season, the company CAMPOSOL decided to use the innovative packaging technology PACLIFE, which has proven differentiating attributes for a safe and efficient postharvest, thanks to this, improvements and significant advantages in the condition of the fruit upon arrival are achieved.

05 April, 2017
Maintaining the quality and useful life of the fruits is one of the demands and priorities that are sought when transporting them to distant destinations, so during this season, the company CAMPOSOL decided to use the innovative packaging technology PACLIFE, which has proven differentiating attributes for a safe and efficient postharvest, thanks to this, improvements and significant advantages in the condition of the fruit upon arrival are achieved. Quality Control (Produce Inspectors of America), who after assessing the quality of fruit in conjunction with European recipients in Rotterdam, point out that the main attributes appreciated are firmness, less defects, percentages lower than 1% dehydration, no rot presence, good bloom and characteristic flavor of fresh blueberries. Of the advantages in the use of the PacLife active packaging, they stand out:- Lower weight loss per clamshell, with values ??lower than 1% average in conservation periods of 40-50 days, and increase the volume of exportable boxes per season- High internal relative humidity, which decreases the visual and cosmetic dehydration of the fruit- Technology with mineral additives and selective membrane, which allows a greater adaptation to the acceleration of the metabolism of the fruit product of thermal breaks- Safe and adequate CO2 concentrations for a wide range of blueberry varieties, which reduces the percentage of soft fruits- Low and limited levels of condensation, which minimizes the risk of fungi and rot- Excellent quality and visual condition of the fruit, which improves the possibilities of sale and liquidation- Longer life that prolongs the final sale at destination- Greater savings in terms of processing and use of other similar conservation technologies- Protection of fruit throughout the marketing chain, from the packaging to the point of sale PacLife, aware that the packaging is a further link in the chain of processes of our customers, has arranged a complete technical support plan with the information of value needed to define fruit conditions and ideal processes. In addition to providing a manual for the proper use of our technology; it also registers, controls and monitors the conditions of customer handling and processing, as well as critical points throughout the season, regularly informing our customers about the evolution of its processes and packaging with our technology. With this we ensure a safe campaign and optimal results. We firmly believe in mutual and supportive work by providing valuable information. More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea