Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

Combine agricultural expertise and digital technology for optimized quality decision-making

FreshCloud Quality Inspection of AGROFRESH is a cloud-based service that allows fresh-produce growers, packers and shippers to centrally configure and manage product and process assessments, carry out checks and report on performance, helping to drive accuracy and consistency across their operations. The service can be easily accessed by quality control teams via a mobile app and/or web-based solution. to streamline fruit-quality inspection processes and achieve desired quality standards across their supply chain. With all necessary inspections and actions available on mobile devices and desktops, and their results appearing in real time, FreshCloud Quality Inspection provides visibility and insights to help users maximize their quality control.

14 July, 2021
FreshCloud Quality Inspection of AGROFRESH is a cloud-based service that allows fresh-produce growers, packers and shippers to centrally configure and manage product and process assessments, carry out checks and report on performance, helping to drive accuracy and consistency across their operations. The service can be easily accessed by quality control teams via a mobile app and/or web-based solution. to streamline fruit-quality inspection processes and achieve desired quality standards across their supply chain. With all necessary inspections and actions available on mobile devices and desktops, and their results appearing in real time, FreshCloud Quality Inspection provides visibility and insights to help users maximize their quality control. FreshCloud Quality Inspection allows users to access the latest checking standards, capture their findings and make these immediately visible to all approved users and stakeholders. This digital technology helps to maximize the quality and consistency of fresh produce, thereby improving customer satisfaction and their loyalty to the brand and product. Furthermore, it gives comprehensive access to fresh-produce quality and provenance.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea