
Consumers complaints and citrus shelf-life extension

CITROSOL is pleased to invite you to our next WEBINAR SERIES that will take place on February 8th, February 10th and March 3rd. You can register at the following link to the webinar:

24 January, 2022
CITROSOL is pleased to invite you to our next WEBINAR SERIES that will take place on February 8th, February 10th and March 3rd. February 8th. Consumers Complains and Shelf-life extension – The First Loss is the Cheapest. (Jim Jefcoate; Hurdletree Associates Ltd, United Kingdom). 25 minutes. Jim Jefcoate, ex ASDA and Walmart, has a deep understanding of the citrus supply chain in UK and Europe. Nature and causes for the losses will be stablished and preventive measures will be discussed. – Shelf-life extension. Control of rind aging, staining and breakdown. (Dr. Benito Orihuel; Citrosol, Spain). 25 minutes. Citrus Shelf-life is shortened by fungal decay and rind damage. Peel damage has been always difficult to control, now CITROSOL has developed new coatings (PlantSeal®? and CI-Control®? coatings) that have brought to the packer and exporter much more assurance in the control of rind damages at destination.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea