
Control of the quality and the ripeness of fruits and vegetables

tr Turoni, the specialist in agri-merasurement instruments, counts on a complete range of instruments to measure the degree of ripeness, and the quality. The DA Meter is a non destructive fruit ripeness tester, to measure both in field and laboratory, the ripeness. Available model suited for pome fruits, stone fruits, mango, etc., and specific models for kiwi and for cherry. The hardness tester, is a non invasive instrument used for the pulp softening determination of fruit and vegetables. The penetrometers provides for an accurate index to determine the right period for fruit harvesting and it can monitor

20 December, 2018
tr Turoni, the specialist in agri-merasurement instruments, counts on a complete range of instruments to measure the degree of ripeness, and the quality. The DA Meter is a non destructive fruit ripeness tester, to measure both in field and laboratory, the ripeness. Available model suited for pome fruits, stone fruits, mango, etc., and specific models for kiwi and for cherry. The hardness tester, is a non invasive instrument used for the pulp softening determination of fruit and vegetables. The penetrometers provides for an accurate index to determine the right period for fruit harvesting and it can monitor maturation progress during cold storage (pulp softening), measured in kg or lb. tr Turoni also offers certified test weights for firmness tester, olive push and pull tester, digital fruit firmness tester, fruit texture analizers, sizers for a wide range of fruits and vegtables, banana calipers. Also fruit firm-hardness non destructive tester, for berries, kiwifruit, ... And a range of refractometers for different uses and ranges of Brix, both optical an portables.  More information in tr turoni WEB site or CATALOGUE.
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