Cooling and CA

Cooling, freezing, making ice, drying, ? through Solar Refrigeration Systems

BG DOOR specializes in maintaining always in control precooling and ripening; the company has developed a superior range of gas-tight doors and ripening room equipment using high-grade materials. The Mobile Precool unit allows to cool down fruits, including soft fruits, and vegetables, rapidly to the desired temperature; it also offers Ecotop Start, a plug-and-play ripening unit, ready for use, as well as tarp systems for ripening and precooling. During Fruit Logistica BG Door exposed solar cold chain solutions, an alliance with the Australian company Heuch.

30 November, -0001
BG DOOR specializes in maintaining always in control precooling and ripening; the company has developed a superior range of gas-tight doors and ripening room equipment using high-grade materials. The Mobile Precool unit allows to cool down fruits, including soft fruits, and vegetables, rapidly to the desired temperature; it also offers Ecotop Start, a plug-and-play ripening unit, ready for use, as well as tarp systems for ripening and precooling. During Fruit Logistica BG Door exposed solar cold chain solutions, an alliance with the Australian company Heuch. Solar refrigeration allows easy solutions for field refrigeration and for places lacking infrastructure or isolation. The offer of Solar Refrigeration Systems includes ice makers, chillers, freezers, market places, dryers, power station, cold storage, …: - Ice factory up to 5 tonnes a day - Produce dryer / dehydrator, for drying produce in high humidity, such as sea grass, spices, tomatoes - Blast freezer, able to reach -40ºC. The picture shows the Solar Refrigeration System model exhibited in Fruit Logistica 2016 BG DOOR stand; the first picture, first place, Martin Oakley, explaining Heuch´s system.
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