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Create an effective preventative maintenance schedule

The value of preventative maintenance is undeniable. It costs far less than reactive maintenance (up to 80% less). Keep things running smoothly and save costly downtime by creating a preventative maintenance schedule. Create your schedule using this simple guide: What needs servicing? Walk through your site and make a full list of serviceable equipment. You can?t create an effective schedule if you don?t know what to pay attention to! Now make a list of service tasks for each machine. If you are unsure, speak to equipment operators and look through user manuals. Manufacturers should provide a full list of service tasks, including when the tasks need to be done.

23 July, 2018
The value of preventative maintenance is undeniable. It costs far less than reactive maintenance (up to 80% less). Keep things running smoothly and save costly downtime by creating a preventative maintenance schedule. Create your schedule using this simple guide: What needs servicing?Walk through your site and make a full list of serviceable equipment. You can’t create an effective schedule if you don’t know what to pay attention to! Now make a list of service tasks for each machine. If you are unsure, speak to equipment operators and look through user manuals. Manufacturers should provide a full list of service tasks, including when the tasks need to be done. When should it be serviced?Figure out how often each task needs to be done. Again, refer to user manuals. Split the tasks into ‘timing’ lists, e.g. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly. Who can do it?Make a list of who can do each task. It is important to use right people. Experts work quickly and effectively. Give technicians a task list before they start so they can organise the parts and tools they need. This reduces the need for a second visit. What tools/parts do they need?Service technicians will have the common tools they need but if there are specialised tasks you need them to do, make sure you have all the tools and equipment that they need, e.g. forklifts, cranes, lifts, power tools. Many service jobs involve replacing worn parts. Have spare parts on hand so tasks are completed efficiently. ChecklistsCreate ‘checklists’ for each category (Daily, Weekly, etc) including:- Task Description- Date Completed- Completed By- Important Notes You now have a preventative maintenance schedule! Start using it and make adjustments as you go. If you buy new equipment, add it to your schedule straight away. If you’d like a hand creating your schedule or want to book one of WYMA’s experienced service technicians, please contact us. We also have sustainable low-cost parts delivery programmes. Contact our After Sales Team for more info. They’d love to help. More information
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