Three experimental blueberry cultivars ('Roc?o', V2 and V3) were grown under two cultivation systems (open to the air and under plastic cover-green houses) and subjected to two irrigations regimes (100% and 80% deficit irrigation) were evaluated for their attributes related to sensory and nutritional quality (sugars, acidity, firmness,...) as well as their health-related compounds (polyphenols, antioxidant activity) along two consecutive seasons (2011-2012). Total anthocyanins, phenolic content and antioxidant capacities varied substantially among cultivars. The antioxidant
Three experimental blueberry cultivars ('Roc?o', V2 and V3) were grown under two cultivation systems (open to the air and under plastic cover-green houses) and subjected to two irrigations regimes (100% and 80% deficit irrigation) were evaluated for their attributes related to sensory and nutritional quality (sugars, acidity, firmness,...) as well as their health-related compounds (polyphenols, antioxidant activity) along two consecutive seasons (2011-2012). Total anthocyanins, phenolic content and antioxidant capacities varied substantially among cultivars. The antioxidant capacity, as well as total anthocyanins and phenolics, had significant cultivar ? year interactions. These interactions were also observed for soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity and firmness. Cultivation systems used had not a high influence in the quality attributes studied but an enhancement of soluble solids content and titratable acidity were found when blueberries were grown under cover in both years. Regarding the irrigation system used, the application of deficit irrigation did not produce significant differences in most of the parameters studied but firmness and total polyphenols increased in three cultivars grown. The diversity in the amount of these fruit quality attributes and antioxidant capacities present a great opportunity for genetic improvement of blueberries through breeding programs. The objective of this study was to identify blueberry cultivars with high antioxidant activity and good fruit quality and to evaluate the influence of the cultivation system and irrigation regime on the overall quality. Original title, authors and sourcesInfluence of cultivation system, genotype and irrigation regime on taste and health-related compounds of blueberries / Efecto del sistema de cultivo, el genotipo y el estr?s h?drico sobre la calidad y los compuestos bioactivos en ar?ndanoV. Carde?osa1, A. Hern?ndez2,J.L. Muriel2, J. M. Moreno11 Instituto de Investigaci?n y Formaci?n Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA Alameda del Obispo), Consejer?a de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andaluc?a, C?rdoba. Spain2 Instituto de Investigaci?n y Formaci?n Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA Las Torres), Consejer?a de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andaluc?a, Sevilla. SpainVII Congreso Ib?rico de Agroingenier?a y Ciencias Hort?colas, Madrid, 26-29 agosto 2013, Picture by Key words Poscosecha???? postcosecha??? postharvest???? na-oes???????????? ????????????????? post-r?colte??? ???? ?? ???????????????????????????????? na-oogst????????? post-raccolta? Obr?bka po???? p?s-colheita??? ???????????????????? hasat sonras?? ??????????? Ernte?? ???????????????????? ???? ?????????????? postcollita?????? poskliz?ov頠?? ????? ????????????? ??????????? nakon branja? pozberov頠???????????????? obdelovanje zemlje po?????????? post-colleita??? ????????????? pascapanen??????????? ?il?onn postharvest???? ??????????? p?c ra?as??????? derliaus apdirbimas po????????? lepas tuai??????? ???????????????????? post-recoltare?????? ???????????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????? sau thu ho?ch??????? ????????????????????????? zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna Ar?ndano?????????????? blueberries blueberry??????????? ys???????? ??????? ????????????????? myrtille?????????? ????? ?????????????? ????????? bosbesmirtillo??????????? bor?wka??????????? mirtilo??????????????? yabanmersini? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????