
EcoGiró, a new packing solution for a sustainable world

EcoGiró is the brand through which Giró expresses its compromise with the environment and sustainable development. As a market leader in net packing solutions, Giró is focused on researching environmentally friendly materials and packing technologies to be applied to the fresh produce packing industry. Giró commitment to sustainability Since last June 2021, Giró Group is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, a call to all companies to work together in their strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles declared since the beginning of this initiative in 2000 and to take measures that promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

22 June, 2023
EcoGiró is the brand through which GIRÓ expresses its compromise with the environment and sustainable development. As a market leader in net packing solutions, Giró is focused on researching environmentally friendly materials and packing technologies to be applied to the fresh produce packing industry. Giró commitment to sustainabilitySince last June 2021, Giró Group is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, a call to all companies to work together in their strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles declared since the beginning of this initiative in 2000 and to take measures that promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a company involved in this initiative, Giró accepts these Ten Principles, committing to implement them internally and, therefore, to respect human rights and labor standards, preserve the environment, and act with transparency in its activities and operations. In the following link, you can find the Progress Report that includes all the initiatives our group has conducted or is developing to comply with these principles and contribute to achieving the SDGs. The most sustainable container on the marketGiró net packaging systems are the most suitable for the packaging of food products: they are one of the lightest packaging and are made of 100% recyclable materials Net benefits    - Resistance     - Breathability     - Sustainability     - Product Enhancement Carbon footprint impact within different packageThe table shows, in a comparative way, the value of the carbon footprint impact within different packages designed with 1 Kg capacity for the whole life cycle with the functional unit used which is to contain and transport 1000 Kg of product. Commitment to the environment    - Solar panel installation project in all the group's factories in Europe for energy self-supply    - Company initiative to reduce waste and emissions    - Giró recycles its leftover/ strap material and reintroduce it into our production process in a percentage that can reach up to 30%    - Implementation of a business culture committed to sustainability    - Signing of the manifesto of the association "Family Business Network" in relation to the development and sustainable objectives in family businesses
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea