
Ecogiró: The new alternative for the sustainable world

As market leader in the development of net packaging solutions, Giró is focused in the research of environmental friendly materials and packing technologies to be applied to the fresh produce packing industry. Ecological efficiency of different types of packages that are usually found in commerce. The graph (2nd image) shows the grams of packaging needed to contain 1 kilogram of producto. It is appreciated how the horticultural net packages are extremely light compared to the resto f the packages and, therefore, their environmental impact is much lower. Innovation in packaging

01 July, 2020
As market leader in the development of net packaging solutions, Giró is focused in the research of environmental friendly materials and packing technologies to be applied to the fresh produce packing industry. Ecological efficiency of different types of packages that are usually found in commerce. The graph (2nd image) shows the grams of packaging needed to contain 1 kilogram of producto. It is appreciated how the horticultural net packages are extremely light compared to the resto f the packages and, therefore, their environmental impact is much lower.Innovation in packagingGiro dedicates a large part of its resources and knowledge to develop new packaging solutions that satisfy the market needs. ECOGIRO is the brand through which Giró expresses its compromise with the environment and sustainable development with two different programs (1st. picture).One of the two programs is based on the use of light packages of recyclable plastic, and the other is based on certified compostable materials. Source Postharvest Directory 2020
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