Cooling and CA , Measurements

ECOscrub, Absoger new generation of air treatment machines, exhibited in Fruit Logistica 2013

The ECOscrub is the latest generation of air treatment machines developed by Absoger, to eliminate ethylene, CO2 and air borne pathogens in long term storage. The system works under EXTREME ULO with nitrogen generation. Absoger works since nearly 30 years, installed in Tarn & Garonne, France; in 1985 Gilbert Gerbaud created the brand of ABSOGER .

30 November, -0001
The ECOscrub is the latest generation of air treatment machines developed by Absoger, to eliminate ethylene, CO2 and air borne pathogens in long term storage. The system works under EXTREME ULO with nitrogen generation. Absoger works since nearly 30 years, installed in Tarn & Garonne, France; in 1985 Gilbert Gerbaud created the brand of ABSOGER. Actually the company offers worldwide systems for fruits & vegetables preservation (Nitrogen generators, CO2 Scrubbers, Ethylene Scrubbers, O2 - CO2 Analyzers, O2 - CO2 Automatic Controllers, …), as well as  in situ gas generation for the industry ( Nitrogen generators, Oxygen generators, Frozen air delivery, Adsorption dryers, …) and Cold Room Insulation (Controlled Atmosphere rooms, Normal cold rooms, Cold room panels, Doors for cold rooms & accessories, …). The first picture shows part of Absoger team, in front of the "pedagogical" model of the ECOscrub equipment, exhibited in the Fruit Logistica 2013 stand; from left to right, Benoît Bortolussi, Sylvain Gerbaud, Aurélie Gerbaud, Clément Berger (responsible for the sales in Latin America, based in Argentina), and Lucie Nouillac.  The second picture shows the inner part of an ECOscrub equipment.
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