
Effects of storage and logistics on the fruit quality and how to improve shelf life

The French CTIFL, Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Legumes, offers a series of two webinars whose objective is to present different post-harvest solutions around lengthening the shelf life of produce, reducing losses and improving the quality of fruits offered. The first, scheduled for Thursday, February 4 (2 to 4 pm) is organized around fruit storage techniques, with the presentation of methods still under development and others now applied on a large scale. The program includes the treatment of postharvest fruits with ozone, with hot water and last results in Controlled Atmospheres. The second webinar, Tuesday, March 9 (2 to 4.15 pm) will deal with the impact of logistics on product quality, as well

27 January, 2021


The French CTIFL, Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Legumes, offers a series of two webinars whose objective is to present different post-harvest solutions around lengthening the shelf life of produce, reducing losses and improving the quality of fruits offered. The first, scheduled for Thursday, February 4 (2 to 4 pm) is organized around fruit storage techniques, with the presentation of methods still under development and others now applied on a large scale. The program includes the treatment of postharvest fruits with ozone, with hot water and last results in Controlled Atmospheres. The second webinar, Tuesday, March 9 (2 to 4.15 pm) will deal with the impact of logistics on product quality, as well as the evolution and evaluation of this quality in the industry. The sessions will have the participation of several speakers: CTIFL, Agroscope, EI Purpan, La Morini?re, CEFEL, University of Reims and INRAE. The webinars are free to access; registration can be done at the link below.? More information and registration
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea