
Efficacy in disinfection, degradation and removal of plant protection residues on containers and other surfaces

FOMESA FRUITECH has, within its disinfection range, a global solution with which to eliminate unwanted pesticide residues before the start of the new citrus season. It is becoming increasingly common in citrus fruit warehouses when, once the preservation campaign (and containers) is over, we need to degrade and eliminate from crates and other surfaces any traces of other active substances that may remain on them. This degradation and elimination of waste can be carried out in the crate washer or in the drencher itself, which in turn, we carry out a waste degradation treatment on pallets and on the surfaces of the drencher itself. Frequency Before the start of a new campaign for field crates and other packaging. Recommended products We will prepare a residue degradation treatment using a combination of products from the ECODEP range intended for the degradation of phytosanitary broths.

27 September, 2021
FOMESA FRUITECH has, within its disinfection range, a global solution with which to eliminate unwanted pesticide residues before the start of the new citrus season. It is becoming increasingly common in citrus fruit warehouses when, once the preservation campaign (and containers) is over, we need to degrade and eliminate from crates and other surfaces any traces of other active substances that may remain on them. This degradation and elimination of waste can be carried out in the crate washer or in the drencher itself, which in turn, we carry out a waste degradation treatment on pallets and on the surfaces of the drencher itself. FrequencyBefore the start of a new campaign for field crates and other packaging. Recommended productsWe will prepare a residue degradation treatment using a combination of products from the ECODEP range intended for the degradation of phytosanitary broths. The combination of these disinfectant products with high oxidising power allows us to degrade the possible fungicide residues that may remain on the containers and other surfaces. Cleaning and disinfection of containersIn any case, since the fruit spends most of the time of the production and marketing chain in the crates, it is essential, in itself, a correct cleaning and disinfection of the crates to avoid the appearance of fungal diseases due to contamination and re-contamination of the contained fruit. This cleaning and disinfection must be carried out both in the final containers of the finished or packed product and in the reception containers that may contain the fruit during handling and processing. FrequencyFor field crates, continuous cleaning is recommended, just after tipping and before reuse (crate washer). If this possibility is not available, the containers should be washed and disinfected at least in any of these cases: - Before the start of a new campaign - After a rainy period - Before the introduction of fruit for long term storage Recommended productsBRILI:: specific detergent especially recommended for cleaning containers. It can be applied alone or in combination with disinfectant products (OXA-BIOCID ECO o GREENCARE-PH). The combined use of detergent + disinfectant, as well as being perfectly compatible, ensures hygienic results and optimum levels of disinfection. Download the INFOPOST to continue reading
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