EUVRIN, the European Research Institutes Network, informs about the funding of the survey on Horizon 2020 projects, to update the existing document. The survey is for organizations participating in such projects and the survey is available HERE (due data is 20th August, but may be it is an extention due holidays...). The existing document, "Strategic innovation and research agenda for the fruit and vegetable sector", dated 2015,
EUVRIN, the European Research Institutes Network, informs about the funding of the survey on Horizon 2020 projects, to update the existing document. The survey is for organizations participating in such projects and the survey is available?HERE (due data is 20th August, but may be it is an extention due holidays...). The existing document, "Strategic innovation and research agenda for the fruit and vegetable sector", dated 2015, counts on 61 pages and includes a diagnosis about the current situation of the fruit and vegetable industry, about weaknesses and gaps, and about the innovation and research needs to address the global changes. The document also includes the list of the main successful EU-projects almost already finished, as well as the vision for the 2030 horticulture, in which local and seasonal are highlighted.