
Extension of the multi-method polar substances

The more substances are routinely checked, the higher the food safety. In 2017 ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA introduced the first multi-method for critical polar substances to provide greater safety in routine pesticide residue controls. The active ingredients ethephon, fosetyl-Al, phosphonic acid, chlorate and perchlorate could now be determined together instead of in individual methods, and the corresponding cost savings made it possible to check them in routine. This offer has been accepted by the majority of our customers, becoming a standard order for about 50% of all our residue tests.

11 June, 2020
The more substances are routinely checked, the higher the food safety. In 2017 ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA introduced the first multi-method for critical polar substances to provide greater safety in routine pesticide residue controls. The active ingredients ethephon, fosetyl-Al, phosphonic acid, chlorate and perchlorate could now be determined together instead of in individual methods, and the corresponding cost savings made it possible to check them in routine. This offer has been accepted by the majority of our customers, becoming a standard order for about 50% of all our residue tests. The new method enables an effective routine control of critical substances such as glyphosate. Analytica Alimentaria wants its customers to be able to act with a clear conscience when it comes to food safety. Therefore we make great efforts to be able to test further critical substances within the polar multimethod and to avoid that the costs associated with this are an obstacle.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea