
GA3 applications increase yield and quality of artichoke

In the globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus), the application of gibberellins substitutes, partially or totally, the cold required for the entry into production. The needed amount of gibberellic acid depends on the genotype and consequently it would affect the product quality. So, the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) application in the globe artichoke hybrid Madrigal F1 multiplied by seeds was evaluated in the course of two years.

19 October, 2022


In the globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus), the application of gibberellins substitutes, partially or totally, the cold required for the entry into production. The needed amount of gibberellic acid depends on the genotype and consequently it would affect the product quality. So, the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) application in the globe artichoke hybrid Madrigal F1 multiplied by seeds was evaluated in the course of two years. Seed and sucker propagations were compared for precocity, productivity performance, commercial quality and caffeoylquinic acids content in the second year. One application of GA3 (50 ppm, 30 mL) was enough to produce an increase of active compounds in leaves of plants obtained from suckers. With two applications, the content of active principles increased in the edible part of plants propagated by seeds. With three applications, fibre content and browning decreased in the edible part of all plants, while yield increased and precocity was maintained. Both univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated that the year affected most of the variables (78%) followed by the type of multiplication (61%). GA3 treatments and the interactions affected 46% of the variables. These results would be useful for producers, manufacturers and consumers to achieve better globe artichoke products, since GA3 applications increase the global performance of hybrid Madrigal F1 propagated from both seeds and suckers.? SourceGibberellin treatments increase the global performance of globe artichoke hybrid propagated by seeds and suckersRosana Rotondo, Gustavo R. Rodr?guez & Andrea M. EscalanteScientia Horticulturae Volume 305, 17 November 2022, 111420! Picture,?La alcachofa, un delicatessen, nutritiva y funcional
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