
GirBagger, 11 bag styles with one machine

With more than 3,000 units sold worldwide GirBagger machine, developed by GRUP GIRÓ, is probably the most recognized in the horticultural packaging business. A range of machines that has evolved over 15 years since its introduction into the market and, now it becomes an undisputed leader. GirBagger is a versatile machine in many ways:

22 March, 2022
With more than 3,000 units sold worldwide GirBagger machine, developed by GRUP GIRÓ, is probably the most recognized in the horticultural packaging business. A range of machines that has evolved over 15 years since its introduction into the market and, now it becomes an undisputed leader. GirBagger is a versatile machine in many ways:     - Its versatility allows to make up to 11 different bag styles    - It is versatile because thanks to different versions, allows adequate treatment for many types of produce such as potatoes, onions, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, avocados, lemons, apples or peaches    - Another machine versatility is the ability to incorporate and interconnect many elements or devices that improve the quality of packaging plant, such as intelligent recognition system supplies (SCS), interconnection with GirControl Plus, the ability to add different labeling systems or adapt integrated Spotless film centering system without visible mark. There is no other machine on the market with this versatility. Its flexibility is highly appreciated by packers and producers because it allows them to optimize their investment in machinery, due to the cost of it, but also for the floor area saving. The range of packages and variants makes this machine, provides a great productivity in any packaging plant. But that’s not all. One of the great features of the GirBagger machine is its ability to grow according to your needs. It is not necessary to start with the most equipped and expensive model but any model can be complemented in the future to be modified to the requirements of packaging. And do not forget something very important: no other machine in the market offers the quality of the bag you get with GirBagger. 1. GirplusAn economic and ecological packaging with high visibility to show the fruit at its best. Ideal for bags between 1-3 kg. 2. GirsacThis world-famous package incorporates a printed film longitudinally not welded to the bag that allows its grip. Suitable for formats up to 4 kg. 3. UltrabagAn elegant, ergonomic, durable and great printed surface to communicate the best properties of the product inside the package. Ideal for any fruit and format up to 5 kg. 4. Girsac FashionedA new style that brings originality and appeal to Girsac through the use of a shaped film with the desired design to enhance the image and creativity. 5. Window CompactSomething different. Thanks to a simple kit, GirBagger machine can make the Window Compact bag. An horizontal package ideal for small caliber fruits and bag sizes from 300 g and 1 kg. Extremely compact. 6. Handle BagAdding a Handle Bag kit to the GirBagger it is possible to make this pack. An horizontal bag with high visibility and ergonomic. Ideal for 500 g to 1,5 kg. Compact size. 7. Window UltrabagA touch of uniqueness to the traditional bag. A window to see the content can be done with the most convenient shape and size. 8. MiniBagA package for small formats (100 g to 500 g) ideal to give a high-class appearance to small products (garlic, shallots, clementines) offering a wide communication area. 9. GirplusacAn interesting way to make a package with a good balance between visibility and communication skills: half Girplus, half Girsac. 10. Ultrabag FashionedA touch of class to a great added value package giving a 3D effect to the printed and longitudinally welded film. 11. Dual HandleA 100% polyethylene lightweight package. This package weights approximately 3 g and it is the lightest of the GirBagger.
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