The report ?Global potato research for a changing world? provides an overview on newly available technology options for increasing crop yields and improving yield stability in potato production. Biotic and abiotic constraints to crop production are discussed in detail and technologies to address these constraints are presented. As a principal contribution, the report offers a comprehensive overview of technologies available for potato production. With special emphasis on improved varieties, it covers the different types of technologies and
The report ?Global potato research for a changing world? provides an overview on newly available technology options for increasing crop yields and improving yield stability in potato production. Biotic and abiotic constraints to crop production are discussed in detail and technologies to address these constraints are presented. As a principal contribution, the report offers a comprehensive overview of technologies available for potato production. With special emphasis on improved varieties, it covers the different types of technologies and approaches, oriented towards yield improvement, yield stabilization as well as aspects of crop quality. Therefore, it not only represents an encompassing expos? of technologies for further use by CIP researchers, but also offers a starting point for prospective analyses of technology impacts. The authors of the report, published 2014, are Manuel Gastelo, Ulrich Kleinwechter and Merideth Bonierbale, International Potato Center (CIP). It is part of the work the International Potato Center (CIP) carries out in cooperation with other Centers of the CGIAR and external partners in the scope of the Global Futures for Agriculture and Strategic Foresight (GFSF) Project. GFSF aims at assessing the potential impact of technologies developed by agricultural research for development on crop production, economic welfare and food security, thereby informing program planners, donors and the technology developers themselves as to the merits and the expected impacts of their work and investments. Contents include????? NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR POTATO PRODUCTION - Shifting the Yield Frontier and Improving Yield Stability - Genetic improvement of the potato crop and advanced clones and varieties - Seed technologies - Management technologies for pests and diseases Plus numerous graphics and an appendix about CIP nurseries for advanced potato clones Importance of the potatoIn terms of human consumption, potato is the third most important food crop in the world, following only rice and wheat (FAO 2011). In 2009, world production reached 330 million tons (Figure 1), of which 18 million tons were produced in Africa, 16 Million tons in South & Central America, 59 Million tons in South & West Asia, 9 Million tons in Central Asia and the Caucasus and 89 Million tons in East Asia & the Pacific (FAO 2011). The total harvested area was almost 20 million hectares in 2009 (Figure 2). While total production area has declined slightly for the world as a whole, it keeps increasing in developing countries, reflecting a shift in production away from developed countries. Influence of climatic changes in plant diseasesClimate change causes variation in the incidence and intensity of pressure from pests and diseases. In the case of late blight, for example, increasing temperatures and precipitation may be the reason that potato crops in many regions which previously had no presence of this disease have become affected in recent years. Among biotic stress factors, late blight (Phytophthora infestans) is the most important disease of potato worldwide. Plant productivity depends on photosynthesis and temperature Plant productivity depends on the efficiency of photosynthesis; the status of photosynthesis can be measured by chlorophyll fluorescence to identify genotypes with differences in photosynthetic efficiency under drought (Tournex et al. 2003). A second important abiotic factor affecting yield stability and productivity of potato is temperature. High temperature affects the rates of photosynthesis and respiration, with the former being reduced and the latter increased. Temperatures of above 20?C cause reduction of approximately 25% in the rate of photosynthesis and tolerance to high temperatures may be associated more with differences in respiration than in photosynthesis (Levy and Veilleux 2007). From a production point of view, tuber growth under warm conditions is important. At higher temperatures, typically above 25?C, tuber initiation and tuber growth are inhibited, the former leading to delays in tuberization. Certain Solanum species may be exploited as sources for breeding for tolerance to high temperatures. Pest and disease managementIPM for potato production systems offers several options which are ready for implementation. These options comprise inoculative biological control and technologies to replace insecticide interventions. Inoculative biological control offers the possibility to increase the resilience of potato agroecosystems to pest outbreaks by controlling for invasive species. For this purpose, a number of parasitoids are maintained at CIP and available for distribution to national programs. Examples include Copidosoma koehleri, Orgilus lepidus, Apanteles subandinus for potato tuber moth control and Halticoptera arduine, Chrysocharis flacilla and Phaedrotoma scabriventris for the leafminer fly (CIP 2012b). CIP has developed an integrated management program for late blight control. As Figure 5 illustrates, this program is composed of different elements, including genetic, chemical, agronomic and biological control, which in their conjunction allow a successful control of the disease and help to reduce or avoid losses. Quotations refer to the the complete document, available below. ? 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