
Greengard-Scald & Greenfog-Scald, new treatment to control scald in apples and pears

On June 20, Fomesa Fruitech presented in Lleida, Spain, the new treatment for the prevention of scald in pears and apples. Dr. Ernesto Conesa, technical director of Fomesa Fruitech presented the current status of scald control, which faces the current prohibition of diphenylamine (DPA). He explained the products available within the Green-Line range of products, which include natural products and low toxicology products, among which there are several food additives, such as enhancers, edible coatings, disinfectants, products to control apple

30 November, -0001
On June 20, Fomesa Fruitech presented in Lleida, Spain, the new treatment for the prevention of scald in pears and apples. Dr. Ernesto Conesa, technical director of Fomesa Fruitech presented the current status of scald control, which faces the current prohibition of diphenylamine (DPA). He explained the products available within the Green-Line range of products, which include natural products and low toxicology products, among which there are several food additives, such as enhancers, edible coatings, disinfectants, products to control apple and pear scald, and to control potato germination. GREENGARD-SCALD and GREENFOG-SCALD  have been developed to replace DPA treatments in apples and pears. Green-Line also counts on a enhancer to be applied as fog treatment (GREENFOG-MO), and an edible coating (FOODWAX). More information in Spanish language, and Infopost 77.  
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