
High-performance traysealers for fruit and vegetable applications

ULMA PACKAGING's TSA P automatic traysealers have been designed to meet the high production requirements of the fruit and vegetable industry. High productivity Speed up to 25 cycles/min with CMC (Continuous Motion Control) synchronisation system that provides constant tray feeding and at the same time smooth and progressive movements guaranteeing maximum product stability inside the tray.

15 April, 2021
ULMA PACKAGING's TSA P automatic traysealers have been designed to meet the high production requirements of the fruit and vegetable industry. High productivitySpeed up to 25 cycles/min with CMC (Continuous Motion Control) synchronisation system that provides constant tray feeding and at the same time smooth and progressive movements guaranteeing maximum product stability inside the tray. StructureStainless steel machine, built to last and with reduced maintenance costs. Hygienic design and watertight electrical cabinet protection system. Hermetic packagingMould drive that generates a high sealing force with a system designed for uniform pressure distribution in the mould, which together with optimum temperature control guarantees a safe and uniform sealing of the trays. Easy format changeoverEasy format changeovers in less than five minutes with tool-free mould change. Motorised film reel holderWinding control system ensures optimum and uniform film tension on a continuous basis. The result is sealed trays with a flawless finish. Optionally, automatic reel change can also be included to minimise downtime. A model for every needThe TSA P traysealer range has three models (TSA 680 P, TSA 875 P y TSA 1200 P) designed for every required production level, including single-line and double-line versions.
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