
How to achieve hot air diffusion in industrial premises?

At MET MANN, as manufacturers of industrial heating, we have different ranges of hot air generators for industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock applications. In any type of application, air diffusion is a key factor in achieving a uniform temperature or reaching the most important areas to be heated. The different hot air diffusion options can be summarised as follows: Direct hot air diffusion This type of diffusion for industrial heating is normally incorporated by the industrial hot air generator itself and the treated air is diffused immediately after heating by means of a single or double direction grille. It is suitable for wall-mounted or wall-mounted industrial hot air heaters, the hot air is distributed through the front of the unit and its dart range is limited and it provides a higher sound level than other types of diffusion.

23 December, 2021


At MET MANN, as manufacturers of industrial heating, we have different ranges of hot air generators for industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock applications. In any type of application, air diffusion is a key factor in achieving a uniform temperature or reaching the most important areas to be heated. The different hot air diffusion options can be summarised as follows: Direct hot air diffusionThis type of diffusion for industrial heating is normally incorporated by the industrial hot air generator itself and the treated air is diffused immediately after heating by means of a single or double direction grille. It is suitable for wall-mounted or wall-mounted industrial hot air heaters, the hot air is distributed through the front of the unit and its dart range is limited and it provides a higher sound level than other types of diffusion. Hot air diffusion with a 4-sided plenum boxIn contrast to direct diffusion, this system distributes the warm air on each side of the unit itself. It is suitable for industrial hot air heaters installed in the central part of a building to heat its entire perimeter. The sound level is lower than with direct discharge and the range dart is also lower. Diffusion with rotating nozzlesIt is similar to the 4 outlets system but has the advantage of directing the hot air with greater precision and reach, if the industrial hot air heater is adjusted to a wall, the nozzles intended to heat that side can be reoriented without any problem. The sound level is similar to the 4-sided but they provide a slightly lower flow rate due to a higher pressure drop. Louvered ductsThis type of hot air diffusion is suitable when you want to heat areas far away from the industrial hot air generator itself or adjoining premises. The air diffusion is carried out with correctly selected grilles or air diffusers and at the speed indicated by the regulations in force. Normally the diffusion should be at a maximum height of 3.5-4.0m to ensure that the hot air reaches the area to be heated without problems. The duct and hot air diffusion elements must be calculated with the minimum pressure drop to optimise the flow and pressure performance of the hot air generator itself. This type of diffusion is particularly silent as long as the materials and calculation are correct. Ducts with high induction conesIn industrial buildings with considerable heights of more than 6m and when it is not possible to make a duct at a height of 3.5-4m, diffusion with high induction cones will be chosen. This type of cones are designed to diffuse a volume of air at high speed (10-15 m/s) in order to obtain a suitable air dart so that the hot air is correctly dissipated on the surface to be heated. At MET MANN, we manufacture fully rotating high induction cones, made of PA and with a nominal diameter of 300mm, ideal for directing the treated air in industrial buildings. This type of diffusion is especially suitable for high buildings and where it is not possible to make a duct at less than 3.5-4m. The diffusion is silent and effective as long as the diffusion calculation is correct.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea