Between 15th and 17th October 2014, took place in Madrid the Fruit Attraction trade show; a fast growing and already firmly established show. Regarding area, it occupied a hall more than last year. The amount and types of produce on offer ? fresh, minimally processed and processed ? is also growing. And production and postharvest technologies also show a weight increase. The general feeling is enthusiastic. ?Like Euroagro? ? the trade show in
Between 15th and 17th October 2014, took place in Madrid the Fruit Attraction trade show; a fast growing and already firmly established show. Regarding area, it occupied a hall more than last year. The amount and types of produce on offer ? fresh, minimally processed and processed ? is also growing. And production and postharvest technologies also show a weight increase. The general feeling is enthusiastic. ?Like Euroagro? ? the trade show in Valencia that preceded Fruit Attraction ? ?on its best years, pointed out a visitor.? Growers and traders of fruit and vegetables share very often common areas, according to their country or Spanish region of origin. Press statements announce participants from 21 countries and a strong growth of companies from France, Italy and Portugal. On the aisles, it was possible to hear many different languages. Even Nordic ones. One anecdote: customers from Central Europe came to Spain to get in touch with the company FAM (manufacturer of cutting equipment), which headquarters are located in Belgium? ProduceIn edible fresh produce, both fruit and vegetables, numerous companies are looking for solutions that increase value added. Sometimes using more attractive packaging, sometimes processing fresh produce (fresh cut) or through different kinds of further processing supported on new industrial processing methods. This processing methods include cooked products to be used in assembly cooking or dishes ready to be consumed after a light ?thermal regeneration?, like heating in a microwave or products obtained with new technologies or, at least, technologies that are not strictly ?new?, but applied only recently at commercial level. Like freeze-dried fruit snacks, ?pur?es? and beverages stabilized through procedures like high hydrostatic pressure. Procedures which are friendlier, regarding the original organoleptic properties, than traditional pasteurization The visitors? attention was specially attracted by Huercasa and its barbecue, which roasted aromatic corncobs for its visitors, VOG?s apple trees strolling through the aisles, shopping bags of Pink Lady signed by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada?. Production and postharvest technologiesTechnology companies occupy some 20 / 30 % of the total exhibition area (own estimation) and they are located together. This was so designed by the show since its first edition and it is very visitor friendly. Also in this show it is becoming increasingly necessary to walk more and more?. Breeding and plant protection companies are ?all? there, the supply of fertilizer and modern plant nutrients grows, and postharvest companies are also taking part. They have been established in the show since its starting years. Among the presentations to remember, the one of bimi, ?the essence of broccoli? ? an hybrid of these species ? which shows up in Spain after being consumed in Great Britain for years, based on production coming from the Peninsula. The actress Vanesa Romero was chosen by Sakata to lead the visitors in the tasting taking place at the stand, under the motto ?D?selo con bimi? (?Say it with bimi?). The seed company goes on with the already established tradition of organizing cooking shows, counting with the presence of well known chefs. Intersemillas adds to its very large seed range, rootstock seeds for fruit and citrus seeds and enlarges its range of condiments and baby leaves. Their zucchini varieties satand out among the materials for Fruit Attraction. The communication of Semillas Fit? underlined the ?Palladium??tomato, the ?Solmar?n? melon and the ?Maestral? pepper. Some companies are absent one year but come back at the next, taking turns with the Berlin trade show. Some visitors do the same. Among the warehouse machinery exhibitors, Compac Fomesa showed now in Spain ? after having done the same in Berlin in February 2014 ? its SLS In Vision 9000 equipment, that displays outlets for bagged fruit. Also Maf Roda showed machinery: a robot placing fruit automatically on trays and dishes. Other manufacturers did not bring their machinery (Greefa, Maxfrut, Unitec?.), but choose to display very large stands that turned into real meeting points at crucial moments of the show. Aweta was there for the first time. The stand allocation system by the show authorities puts a premium on seniority, and many new exhibitor should wait some years to get their ?dream stand? . Among the manufacturers of accessory equipment, the Dutch Burg?s present in Spain since many years, manufactures bin tippers, shows lately a larger number of items that work on the opposite end of the line. It is the case of a flowpack feeder, a weigher for delicate fruit and a tray filling unit. Among the companies working in produce conservation with modified atmosphere, using either (or both) modern and conventional procedures, Ilerfred & Besseling had its usual stand. Isofred & Marvil were also present. Isolcell, however, was present on the past issue of the show. Among innovative products, stands out a fungicide based on potassium salts, a new concept presented by DeNora, a newcomer to the show, and also a different concept. The company offers two different types of equipment : one for ozone production, with all the different uses of that gas, and a second one that generates the fungicide through electrolysis of the potassium salt. This substance does not leave any residues, is obtained by the grower ? or group of growers ? himself and can be used to counter a large array of frequent diseases, like Venturia in apples, Erwinia in pear,?.being an oxidant, their activity range is very wide. Costs per hectare are very attractive. Mr. Ernesto Conesa, technician of Fomesa Fruitech, held two presentations explaining products of the range ?Green Line?. Greenfog Ka lowers to one half the black spot in Persimmon, caused by Alternaria alternata during conservation. Greenfog AS is a low toxicity fumigant which active substance prevents the development of Peniccillum and strengthening the natural defenses of citrus fruits. Citrosol presented Fumispore, a fumigant based on a new system generating thin particled smoke that stays in suspension for a long time, as Martin Moura explained. The product, which active substance is an innocuous food additive, is presented in three sizes for the disinfection of equipment, vehicles of chambers. Enrique G?mez, representing the company ?Decco?, spoke about the main traits of edible coatings once more. Among them, some that do not shine, something sought in the market for ?natural products?. Formulae for climacteric fruit delay the scalding in conservation chambers. The ?Naturcover? range has specific formulations for stone and pome fruit, potatoes and citrus. In the Innova area new products are found, and also some already known but which are still considered a novelty. Like the extra-large (XXL) vessels containing the fungicides ?Bravatia?, ?Scholar? y ?Tecto?, manufactured by Tecnidex. In that same area, Decco displayed the sprays ?Decco Aero Plus? and ?Productos Citrosol?, and the three sizes in ?Fumispore? vessels. Besides the above mentioned presentations, the lecture?s program taking place simultaneously with the show was very large. Some guest ? speakers were very interesting, like the former Spanish president Felipe Gonz?lez, speaking at the meeting on berries. The timely coincidence with the show schedule, however, makes sometimes difficult to attend to some that could be very interesting presentations. Vessels played a central role in the show through proposals of a large number of companies. The company Sorma presented a packing machine using nets, able to prepare six different types of vessels only by changing the head. Some of these vessels have been developed recently, like ?Sormabag?, presented in Macfrut, which saves some 15 % of net material, and ?Sormawrap?, seen in Fruit Attraction, displaying a large belt fastening the product to the bottom of the vessel. Italdibipack presented one of its low cost flow pack equipment that occupy very little room on the factory floor. And also a patented, stretch film wrapping system. Domplex displayed its range of boxes and plastic pallets; and Macroplastic showed its pallets, fitting together to save room when empty. InterAgra, a polish company, displayed its long lasting pallets, build with specially treated wood from slow growing tree species, found in Nordic countries. In the logistics ?rea, ?ngel Mir presented a range of recent products. The company shows normally five or six new products in each exhibition it takes part. The press statement published for this show underlines those novelties. Among them, a newly designed door for banana ripening chambers and, more recently, a door with thermal bridge break, allowing important energy savings. Among the fresh cut and processing equipment, Urschel showed two cutting sets and the ?Centris? processing equipment, a clasic tool for the manufacturing of ?pur?s? and doughs. This kind of machines are object of special attention from manufacturers of processed products. Turatti displayed its present ?star product?, a strawberry docking machine, which obtained an award at the US- show United Fresh. Regarding berries, Exakta brought an innovative weigher, and Induser a new line for the treatment of small fruits. The management of Fruit Attraction is making continuous improvements regarding the organization of the show. Most exhibitors express their satisfaction with the location of their stands, and also the visitors are very happy with it. The press stands have been moved this year and clustered together between two of the main halls. A wise decision, making the work of the reporters much easier. Legends1 - The barbecue with corn cobs tasting organized by Huercasa, using its precooked corn2 - The door with thermal bridge break, an important innovation displayed by ?ngel Mir in Fruit Attraction3 - Managers of Compac Fomesa in their stand, posing in front of the SLS In Vision 9000. From left to right, Jorge Puig, Juan Antonio S?nchez de Le?n, and Dave Buys4 - Forigo Roteritalia was one of the most important companies displaying field machinery. On its stand it showed tilling equipment and soil disinfection equipment.5 - A careful presentation removes banality even from everyday products. As it is the case of onions, shown under different and attractive packaging. ? ?