Phytosanitaries , Processing

Incredible demand for organic produce continues

According to The Organic Produce Network and Nielsen, organic fresh produce sales hit $5.6 billion in 2018. "Although organic accounted for 10.1 percent of total produce sales, it's driving a disproportionate amount of growth within the produce department. In total, 43 percent of total produce growth occurred from organic items which equates to an additional $450 million sold," said Matt Lally, associate director at Nielsen. Organic prepackaged salads led the market with $1.12 billion in sales followed by organic apples at $393 million. With greater availability of organic produce, these sales should continue to increase. Given the interest in organic produce along with the consumer desire for convenience, a rise in demand for precut organic produce would seem a natural progression. NatureSeal has shelf-life extension products certified for use on a wide variety of precut organic fruits and vegetables. Although our organic solution for sliced apples is most popular, we have seen an uptick in demand for many potato varieties, beets and brussel sprouts. As more and more fresh prepared food options become available, this market will continue to grow. Find out how you can incorporate fresh-cut organic produce into your offerings.

26 August, 2019
According to The Organic Produce Network and Nielsen, organic fresh produce sales hit $5.6 billion in 2018. "Although organic accounted for 10.1 percent of total produce sales, it's driving a disproportionate amount of growth within the produce department. In total, 43 percent of total produce growth occurred from organic items which equates to an additional $450 million sold," said Matt Lally, associate director at Nielsen. Organic prepackaged salads led the market with $1.12 billion in sales followed by organic apples at $393 million. With greater availability of organic produce, these sales should continue to increase. Given the interest in organic produce along with the consumer desire for convenience, a rise in demand for precut organic produce would seem a natural progression. NATURESEAL has shelf-life extension products certified for use on a wide variety of precut organic fruits and vegetables. Although our organic solution for sliced apples is most popular, we have seen an uptick in demand for many potato varieties, beets and brussel sprouts. As more and more fresh prepared food options become available, this market will continue to grow. Find out how you can incorporate fresh-cut organic produce into your offerings.
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