
Industrial heating with high induction or destratified air cones

The heating of industrial premises can be a complicated task to execute and normally the main doubt is whether to treat work areas or to heat the whole volume of the premises. Heating by zones is usually carried out when the surface to be heated is large and it is decided to heat strategic areas, but it should be said that volumetric heating is totally viable if the correct selection of the necessary power and correct air diffusion is carried out. Volumetric heating is based on heating the entire volume of the building in combination with ceiling fans that are responsible for lowering the hot air stratified in the ceiling, with this solution, energy savings of up to 25% are achieved.

15 November, 2021


The heating of industrial premises can be a complicated task to execute and normally the main doubt is whether to treat work areas or to heat the whole volume of the premises. Heating by zones is usually carried out when the surface to be heated is large and it is decided to heat strategic areas, but it should be said that volumetric heating is totally viable if the correct selection of the necessary power and correct air diffusion is carried out. Volumetric heating is based on heating the entire volume of the building in combination with ceiling fans that are responsible for lowering the hot air stratified in the ceiling, with this solution, energy savings of up to 25% are achieved. Another equally valid option is the correct dimensioning of a duct network with air diffusion with high induction cones, this type of diffusion allows air to be blown at high speed covering large surfaces. In this post, you can see the installation of a hot air generator of 390 kW of heating power with gas operation. The air diffusion is completed with a network of ducts and air diffusion cones. With this solution, it is possible to heat the entire room volume with minimal temperature variations, thus avoiding the unpleasant thermal sensation that occurs in zone heating systems, where there are significant temperature variations in the surface of the room. MET MANN specialises in finding heating and air-conditioning solutions taking into account the characteristics of the premises.
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