
INFO Patata, about potatoes, Onion, Garlic , Carrots and other root vegetables - 2013/14 Update

This is the third update of the document "Info Potato ", where business and technical information is collected, for producers, packers , processors, and other participants in the chain from farm to table of the root vegetable industry. The publication begins with an article on trends in the potato market , based on the vision of Angus Armstrong Greenvale, based on his

06 August, 2020


This is the third update of the document "Info Potato ", where business and technical information is collected, for producers, packers , processors, and other participants in the chain from farm to table of the root vegetable industry. The publication begins with an article on trends in the potato market , based on the vision of Angus Armstrong Greenvale, based on his conference at World Potato Congress 2012, which we believe remains fully of interest . Another article deals with the potato business in Spain . Info Patata 2013 is available in Spanish language, and also includes a collection of news published in the last year related to root vegetable technology, as well as a list of media and fairs. To see the information in Spanish language, please click HERE.We continue working in Info Potato, the English language version; not an identical one, but for the companies offering root vegetable technology to growers, packers, processors, etc. outside from Spain, Portugal and Latin America. It will be available in the next weeks.More information
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