
Info Potato, Onion, Carrot, Ail, Leek, Radish, ?

The Info Series contains information about technology and equipment, materials and services for growing, postharvest handling, processing, and marketing. Info Potato contains specific information for root vegetables: potato, onion, ail, carrot, leek, radishes, ? Since the 16th October 2012 is available on the Internet, free download, the 2012/13 version. Right now we prepare the 3rd update of the Spanish version and we start

26 June, 2020


The Info Series contains information about technology and equipment, materials and services for growing, postharvest handling, processing, and marketing. Info Potato contains specific information for ?root vegetables: potato, onion, ail, carrot, leek, radishes, ? Since the 16th October 2012 is available on the Internet, free download, the 2012/13 version. Right now we prepare the 3rd update of the Spanish version and we start with the English language version. The Spanish version of Info Patata 2013/14, draft, is available HERE. Follows a summary of the commercial information: A B C Agricoat Agro Technologie Atl?ntica Agr?cola AVR Baumeister CQ Masso Compac Sorting Equipment D E Decco Domca Dornow Ejido Cart?n Erme F FAM Fermaq Fomesa Forigo G H I K Grupo Gir? Ilpra Systems Espa?a Intersemillas KALI Kenogard Kiremko L M Luciano Aguilar Maf Roda Agrobotic Marrod?n Multiscan Technologies N O P Q Nicholson Machinery Nilma Noble R S T Sakata? Tecnoceam U V W X ULMA Packaging Unitec Vilmor?n Visar Europe Xeda International Wyma Associations as specialized Media Agropapas, toda la informacion del sector, Argentina ANSEPA, Asociaci?n Nacional de Semilleristas de Papa del Uruguay Contact with Info Patato and Info Patata editors: ? INFO Patata 2013/14 DRAFT
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea