Cooling and CA

Interko builds business with launch of energy- and cost-saving ripening technologies

INTERKO is building on its strong heritage as the world?s leading provider of fresh fruit ripening systems by applying its expertise in technological innovation to revolutionise the way companies both large and small can manage their fruit ripening processes. ?It?s very rewarding to receive credit from our customers around the globe for the innovative work that we are doing and to be seen as a positive disruptor in our field for the ways in which we are managing to drive forwards technological advancements that improve not only the ripening but also the business operations of our clients,? says

28 October, 2016
INTERKO is building on its strong heritage as the world’s leading provider of fresh fruit ripening systems by applying its expertise in technological innovation to revolutionise the way companies both large and small can manage their fruit ripening processes.“It’s very rewarding to receive credit from our customers around the globe for the innovative work that we are doing and to be seen as a positive disruptor in our field for the ways in which we are managing to drive forwards technological advancements that improve not only the ripening but also the business operations of our clients,” says Chris Maat, managing director/partner of the Dutch company.  “At Interko we have recently launched an exciting range of energy-saving solutions that make for the most efficient and cost-effective ripening rooms on the market today,” Chris reveals.Client retention and satisfaction are of paramount importance to Interko. Tailor-made solutions, flexibility and a service-oriented approach have been the hallmarks of the company’s business these past 40 years, coupled with a constant desire to innovate in order to remain at the forefront of ripening developments.Interko maintains a complete history of all its installations and can perform upgrades for each and every client, placing a heavy emphasis on after-sales support and follow up too.“We have a deep understanding of the ripening needs of each and every one of our clients,” notes Chris. “We offer support, scale and appropriate products to meet their specific requirements, regardless of whether they are for a multi-layer ripening room in a big distribution centre, for flexible random-access rooms allowing for individual pallet ripening or a simple plug and play solution for a single and more basic unit.” Latest developmentsThe Interko team has been travelling the globe this Autumn to meet with new and potential clients and to inform them about the company's latest energy-efficient developments and advancements in ripening technology.Following on from the introduction of its fully-integrated Interko Smart ripening control system, which offers state-of-the-art technology and a simple control process for the end user, the company has now launched a range of reversible EC fans that can be controlled individually and quite simply within each ripening bay, allowing for fans to be switched off in any unloaded bays as and when required. The fans can be linked to the unique Interko Smart system or via a third party control system, allowing for precision ripening and simple user-controllability.According to Chris, greater flexibility and reduced energy usage are two of the key components at the top of most clients’ ripening agendas today. Quality is also vital, with durable stainless steel now replacing the copper coil parts so commonly used in ripening rooms in the past. Vast improvements are also taking place on an annual level to the structures and designs of the ripening rooms themselves, making them not only more hygienic and easier to clean but also ensuring that they will last.“Our ripening rooms and systems are really very easy to use,” adds Anna Zegveld, Business Development Manager at Interko.“The rooms all open up completely, making them very easy to care for," explains Anna. “There are no special educational requirements or training needed for their care nor for the operation of our integrated Interko Smart ripening control system. All you need is a love for the fruit business – a passion for fruit. It really is as simple as that.”Interko is able to advise customers as to how they might be able to upgrade their existing ripening facility in order to achieve energy and cost-savings, as well as offering brand new, full-scope solutions to incorporate optimised ripening room and system design, installation, maintenance and management.“Our clients know that they can count on us to come up with the right system that will deliver premium quality at an affordable cost, which is in line with their specific ripening requirements,” concludes Chris.“We are committed to delivering the best ripening solutions to businesses around the world, enabling them to lower their costs significantly while increasing ripening productivity. Our projected growth is significant and we welcome enquiries from all countries.""Interko offers the best flexibility of all ripening systems on the market today and we know that we have solutions that we can rely on to accommodate our growth.” About Interko Interko is the global leader for the design, manufacture and installation of cost-effective, high quality and low-maintenance ripening rooms for fresh fruit, and cooling systems for the horticulture sector. Founded over 40 years ago, Interko develops reliable systems that are built to last. Since its creation Interko has installed over 6,000 ripening rooms for bananas, avocados, mangoes, papayas and tomatoes – the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today. More information
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