Cooling and CA

Interko LOCK SOCK® Ripening - New catalogue

The revolutionary LOCK SOCK ripening system, by INTERKO, has been developed to provide high quality ripening at dramatically reduced installation and maintenance costs. The LOCK SOCK® combines the functions of pallets sealing with air distribution through a patented sock. The

30 November, -0001
The revolutionary LOCK SOCK ripening system, by INTERKO, has been developed to provide high quality ripening at dramatically reduced installation and maintenance costs. The LOCK SOCK® combines the functions of pallets sealing with air distribution through a patented sock. The preconditioned air inflates the socks, sealing the area between the pallet rows and forcing the conditioned air evenly through propietary openings in the socks through the fruit boxes.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea