Cooling and CA

Interko to showcase new turn-key ripening room to Asian market

INTERKO, the leading provider of ripening solutions for the international fresh fruit industry, will present its brand new ripening room at this week?s Asia Fruit Logistica 2018 when the Dutch innovator exhibits for the sixth year in a row. Optimo is the new standard in turn-key fruit ripening. Thanks to a clever design from the Dutch manufacturer, the room can adapt to accommodate from 8 up to 24 pallets of fresh bananas, avocados or mangoes. Easy to install, use and maintain, Optimo is a single-level room that comes pre-assembled with Interko?s latest technological advances, including its revolutionary REVERSO reversible fans. To learn more about how Optimo can benefit fruit ripening operators across Asia, Interko?s Managing Partner Chris Maat and Business Development Manager Anna Zegveld are inviting businesses to visit the Interko stand (Hall 5b, E55) during this week?s Asia Fruit Logistica, on 5-7 September 2018 in Hong Kong.

03 September, 2018
INTERKO, the leading provider of ripening solutions for the international fresh fruit industry, will present its brand new ripening room at this week’s Asia Fruit Logistica 2018 when the Dutch innovator exhibits for the sixth year in a row. Optimo is the new standard in turn-key fruit ripening. Thanks to a clever design from the Dutch manufacturer, the room can adapt to accommodate from 8 up to 24 pallets of fresh bananas, avocados or mangoes. Easy to install, use and maintain, Optimo is a single-level room that comes pre-assembled with Interko’s latest technological advances, including its revolutionary REVERSO reversible fans. To learn more about how Optimo can benefit fruit ripening operators across Asia, Interko’s Managing Partner Chris Maat and Business Development Manager Anna Zegveld are inviting businesses to visit the Interko stand (Hall 5b, E55) during this week’s Asia Fruit Logistica, on 5-7 September 2018 in Hong Kong. “Importers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers worldwide vary in size and capacity, and each has its own set of fresh fruit ripening requirements, so the direction we have taken is to develop an entire range of products that suits everyone,” explains Chris. “Optimo is the new standard in turn-key ripening. This is a highly efficient, cost-effective and profitable ripening room that is not only fast for operators to install but can be adapted quickly to suit their volume requirements in response to market demand. “Interko continues to expand its presence in Asia, and our new, flexible Optimo ripening room responds perfectly to the needs of fruit ripening operators in this growing market,” continues Chris. “Already, we are experiencing high demand from ripening operators in southern Europe, Asia and Latin America for this brand-new system.” Optimo completes Interko’s range of state-of-the-art fresh fruit ripening systems for the different logistical needs of every operator. Whether a business needs to ripen large volumes, requires ultimate flexibility or seeks a turn-key ripening room, Interko has the solution. “Interko already offers the Ultimo ripening room for large volumes of fruit, and the Axesso room for customers who require precision ripening,” explains Chris. “Now, we have a further innovation with the Optimo room to fulfil another type of demand that combines a plug-and-play solution with versatility of use.” Over the past five decades, the team at Interko has used its energy, experience and vision to continually push the boundaries of research and design to develop innovative solutions that respond to evolving supply chain challenges and consumer demands. “The launch of our Optimo ripening room once again demonstrates Interko’s dedication to progression by delivering pioneering products that truly add value for any customer,” states Chris. Completing the rangeInterko’s flagship ripening system, Ultimo, remains the classic solution to evenly and efficiently ripen large volumes of fruit like bananas. Axesso, meanwhile, is a flexible system with random access capability for the precision ripening of interchangeable loads of fruits, such as mangoes or avocados. Both Ultimo and Axesso are highly energy-efficient rooms due, in part, to being fitted with Interko’s game-changing REVERSO fans, which were launched in 2017. These state-of-the-art rooms deliver customers reduced operational costs and are built to bespoke client requirements. The new Optimo room will benefit from the same features. Energy-saving technology has become a hallmark of Interko’s fruit ripening solutions in recent years as the company has specialised increasingly on responding to the modern-day issue of rising energy prices across Europe, and the challenge of access to energy, which is often limited in third countries. “We have focused on developing technologies that reduce our customers’ energy usage, and, ultimately, their overall running costs,” explains Chris. “Our groundbreaking REVERSO reversible fan is just one example that has been a big commercial success. “Interko has always been a pioneer, and we will continue to research, develop and launch further fruit ripening innovations in the future, so watch this space!” Dutch innovator Interko is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. About InterkoInterko is the global leader for the design, manufacture and installation of cost-effective, high quality and low-maintenance ripening rooms for fresh fruit, and cooling systems for the horticulture sector. Founded 50 years ago, Interko develops precise, advanced and energy-efficient systems that are built to last. Since its creation Interko has installed over 6,000 ripening rooms for bananas, avocados, mangoes, papayas and tomatoes – the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today. Every year Interko installs around 200 ripening rooms. For more information about Interko, visit: For more information about Interko's ripening products, visit: Or contactChris Maat / Anna ZegveldTel: +31 (0)79 593
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