
Last seats available at the VIII International Course of postharvest technology and minimally processed fruits and vegetables

After the success of the seven previous editions, between the 3 and 9 April 2014 runs in Cartagena (Spain), the VIII Curso Internacional de Tecnolog?a Poscosecha y Procesado M?nimo Hortofrut?cola, recognized as University Degree . It is headed by Prof. Dr. Francisco Art?s Calero, la Dra. Ing. Perla G?mez Di Marco y el Dr. Ing. Francisco Art?s Hern?ndez, del Grupo de Postrecolecci?n y Refrigeraci?n (GPR-UPCT) y del Instituto de Biotecnolog?a Vegetal (IBV-UPCT), and sponsored by main companies in the postharvest field. The course is in Spanish language and will offer more than thirty

06 October, 2020


After the success of the seven previous editions, between the 3 and 9 April 2014 runs in Cartagena (Spain), the VIII Curso Internacional de Tecnolog?a Poscosecha y Procesado M?nimo Hortofrut?cola, recognized as University Degree . It is headed by Prof. Dr. Francisco Art?s Calero, la Dra. Ing. Perla G?mez Di Marco y el Dr. Ing. Francisco Art?s Hern?ndez, del Grupo de Postrecolecci?n y Refrigeraci?n (GPR-UPCT) y del Instituto de Biotecnolog?a Vegetal (IBV-UPCT), and sponsored by main companies in the postharvest field. The course is in Spanish language and will offer more than thirty presentations by highly qualified directors and advisers in relevant international companies, as well as professors and experts from leading universities and research centers in the United States, France, Italy, England, Holland , Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Spain . Among the topics with high practical content are the handling and storage of horticultural products, facilities and equipment, packaging, disinfection, food quality and safety, and transportation. The processing and packaging of minimally processed fresh produce or IV gama, ready to eat, with its latest innovations will also be addressed. ? More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea