
Launched the World Food Preservation Center

The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER was launched on the campus of the University of Maryland USA, informs Charles L. Wilson (on the picture), Independent Food Preservation Professional, through the Linkedin Postharvest Technology Group. The mission Because of inadequate technologies for food preservation in developing countries, more than 50% of harvested crops are often lost to spoilage. The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER mission

14 October, 2020


The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER was launched on the campus of the University of Maryland USA, informs Charles L. Wilson (on the picture), Independent Food Preservation Professional, promotor of the Center, through the Linkedin Postharvest Technology Group. The missionBecause of inadequate technologies for food preservation in developing countries, more than 50% of harvested crops are often lost to spoilage. The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER mission is to provide a world-class education to young scientists in developing countries in advanced technologies for food preservation and to conduct research on postharvest food preservation technologies especially adapted for developing countries, such as solar refrigeration, biological control, and active and intelligent packaging. The visionAfter receiving a Ph.D. or M.S. at the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER, young scientists from developing countries will return home and establish independent research, education, and extension programs. These programs will result in the implementation of the most advanced food preservation technologies specific to their respective countries. The result will be a growing network of institutions that will have a major impact on world hunger and health?and contribute to the profitability of farmers. More than best wishes for the WFPC!
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea