
Measuring Produce Quality Workshop, Methods of Measuring Fruit & Vegetable Flavor, Color & Texture Workshop

This 1-day workshop, Wednesday, January 22, 2014, UC Davis Conference Center, includes lectures on the principles and applications of measuring produce color, flavor, and texture, and includes demonstrations of a variety of the latest equipment. The principles behind instrumental measurement of flavor, color and texture will be discussed, and the various instruments and methods

27 July, 2020


This 1-day workshop, Wednesday, January 22, 2014, UC Davis Conference Center,? includes lectures on the principles and applications of measuring produce color, flavor, and texture, and includes demonstrations of a variety of the latest equipment.The principles behind instrumental measurement of flavor, color and texture will be discussed, and the various instruments and methods available will be available in interactive demonstrations. Real-life examples of fresh and processed fruit and vegetable color and texture measurement will be demonstrated. Examples of applications where flavor, color and texture were measured on a wide variety of vegetables and fruits will be given by workshop instructors.More information ?
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