Phytosanitaries , Processing

NatureSeal sponsors the 7th European Short Course on "Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Produce", January 2015

The scientists at Cardiff University (Dr Hilary Rogers), Cranfield University (Dr Leon Terry), Reading University (Dr Carol Wagstaff) and Foggia University (Prof. Giancarlo Colelli) are organizing the 7th European Short Course on "Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Produce" that will be next January 2015 at Cardiff University. This course is aimed at scientists and students from Universities and Research Institutes, and at operators from

30 November, -0001
The scientists at Cardiff University (Dr Hilary Rogers), Cranfield University (Dr Leon Terry), Reading University (Dr Carol Wagstaff) and Foggia University (Prof. Giancarlo Colelli) are organizing the 7th European Short Course on "Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Produce" that will be next 21-23th January 2015 at Cardiff University.This course is aimed at scientists and students from Universities and Research Institutes, and at operators from Fresh and Fresh-cut Produce Industry and Agri-Food Industry, and at storage instruments and packaging suppliers.This course is supported by European Project Quafety ( and by sponsor NatureSeal.The course will focus on:• Factors affecting quality of fresh-cut produce;• Development of markers for predicting and monitoring shelf-life;• New equipment of relevance to testing and processing;• Control and testing for microbial contamination to guarantee safety;• Handling considerations for fruits and salads.The registration fee for the short course is £200 and includes 3 lunches, coffee break, a dinner. The registration is limited to 100 participants and it should be completed before 15th December 2014.AGRICOAT NATURESEAL Ltd., manufactures specialty products for processors, grocery / detail, and foodservice, counting also with Kosher certified formulations. NatureSeal is a line of products that keep cut produce fresh. All the products are allergen and sulfite-free.More information European Short Course on "Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Produce"
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea