Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

New alternatives for postharvest control of rots in citrus fruits

The development of new molecules for postharvest use allows the control of almost all citrus decay causing pathogens with active ingredients alternative to traditional fungicides. The use of both fludioxonil and propiconazole assures the control of postharvest diseases of citrus fruit during the whole season with only two active ingredients. Fludioxonil, an active ingredient recently registered in the European Union for postharvest use in citrus fruit, is a low risk, wide spectrum fungicide that belongs to the family of the phenylpyrroles and presents high efficacy against

07 September, 2016
The development of new molecules for postharvest use allows the control of almost all citrus decay causing pathogens with active ingredients alternative to traditional fungicides. The use of both fludioxonil and propiconazole assures the control of postharvest diseases of citrus fruit during the whole season with only two active ingredients. Fludioxonil, an active ingredient recently registered in the European Union for postharvest use in citrus fruit, is a low risk, wide spectrum fungicide that belongs to the family of the phenylpyrroles and presents high efficacy against Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Botrytis spp., and Rhizopus spp. Propiconazole belongs to the family of the triazoles and is the unique authorized ingredient that controls and prevents, with high efficacy, the disease citrus sour rot caused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii. It is also effective against Penicillium spp. The application of 690 ppm of fludioxonil and 600 mg/kg of propiconazole by drench or by dip in a tank after artificial fungal inoculation reduced by around 90% the infections caused by Penicillium spp. and G. citri-aurantii and by more than 85% the infections caused by other fungi such as Botrytis spp. and Rhizopus spp. In packhouse trials, the reduction of the mentioned moulds was up to 95% after the treatment. The application of fludioxonil (2880 mg/kg) and propiconazole (1200 mg/kg) by on-line spray, in water or wax mixture formulations, reduced sour rot and green and blue moulds by more than 85% after artificial inoculation and by 95% in packhouse trials under commercial conditions.   More informationSourcesNew alternatives for postharvest control of rots in citrus fruitsValentín Turégano Meneses & Laura Vila Bondía, TECNIDEX, protección de la fruta, SAU, Calle Ciudad de Sevilla, 45-A, Polígono Industrial Fuente del Jarro, 46988 Paterna, España VIII International Postharvest Symposium, Cartagena, 21-24 June 2016 Picture, Tecnidex
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