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New brands for AgroFresh solutions

AgroFresh Solutions, Inc., a global leader in produce freshness solutions, today announced the global rebranding for coatings, fungicides, detergents and disinfectants. As the company recently announced, all Tecnidex solutions and operations are now unified under the AgroFresh corporate name. The company has taken advantage of this migration process to renew the trade names of various product categories.

16 September, 2021
AGROFRESH SOLUTIONS, Inc., a global leader in produce freshness solutions, today announced the global rebranding for coatings, fungicides, detergents and disinfectants. As the company recently announced, all Tecnidex solutions and operations are now unified under the AgroFresh corporate name. The company has taken advantage of this migration process to renew the trade names of various product categories. Coatings are now under two brands. The traditional waxes Teycer are now called Teycer™ Originals. AgroFresh wanted to honor the memory and extensive experience of the company founded by Manuel García-Portillo by maintaining the brand for coatings and creating a name composed with the word “Originals" to emphasize that these are the original solutions that have been part of the company for 40 years. While VitaFresh™ Botanicals is the name that has been given to plant-based coatings, solutions which include new references for avocados, plums, mangoes and other crops with Vegan European certification. AgroFresh has also reorganized its catalog of fungicides by unifying its liquid solutions under ActiSeal™. This brand collects all company's fungal protection solutions, which include formulas based on Fludioxonil, Thiabendazole, Pyrimethanil, Imazalil, as well as other active ingredients. FreshStart™ is the new name given for disinfectants and detergents. It includes references that provide safe and effective cleaning and disinfection. Other products such as antifoams, ethylene absorbers or lubricants for packing lines, are maintained under Textar™ brand. Keeping the name, the logo of these solutions has been modernized. The equipment for application, dosing and post-harvest treatment, as well as specialized rooms to degreenning, storage and fruit ripening, maintain the trade name of Control-Tec™. For more information about AgroFresh's product catalog, discover its website or visit AgroFresh booth at Fruit Attraction, Hall 3, stand 3C13 For technical, commercial and other information, please contact AgroFresh's sales manager in your region.
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