Cooling and CA

New DCA-RQ method to keep the quality of the stored fruit

Isolcell S.P.A. has developed a new DCA-RQ method to detect the anaerobic respiration of fruit stored in dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA) in order to avoid their stress conditions during storage. The periodic measurement of the CO2 production rate of the fruit during the storage period, allows, with the help of an algorithm, to detect the beginning of fruit fermentation. This technology allows to avoid the use of gas-thight containers in the room because the measured atmosphere samples

22 February, 2019
Isolcell S.P.A. has developed a new DCA-RQ method to detect the anaerobic respiration of fruit stored in dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA) in order to avoid their stress conditions during storage. The periodic measurement of the CO2 production rate of the fruit during the storage period, allows, with the help of an algorithm, to detect the beginning of fruit fermentation. This technology allows to avoid the use of gas-thight containers in the room because the measured atmosphere samples are taken directly from the store room. The algorithm permits to set RQ, Respiratory Quotient, values which are stable and specific for different apple, pear, ... varieties allowing an optimal storability.Picture: Giorgio Pruneri, Sales Manager, Isolcell
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