
New eManual for Floral Crops

A new eManual entitled Care, Handling, and Marketing Recommendations for Floral Crops is now available that can be used on your PC, Mac, tablet, e-book reader, smartphone, and the like. Prepared by longtime floral industry researcher and consultant Dr. George Staby, it contains detailed production, harvest, postharvest, and

15 September, 2020


A new eManual entitled Care, Handling, and Marketing Recommendations for Floral Crops is now available that can be used on your PC, Mac, tablet, e-book reader, smartphone, and the like.? Prepared by longtime floral industry researcher and consultant Dr. George Staby, it contains detailed production, harvest, postharvest, and marketing information related to improving the performance and sale of floral crops including cut flowers, flowering plants, foliage plants, greens, and bedding plants.? Some of the content highlights are:- Specific flower and/or plant processing procedures for wholesalers, florists (traditional and mass-market), fulfillment centers(*), and bouquet manufacturers.- Production, harvest, and postharvest treatment recommendations for growers- Over 900 hyperlinks to relevant worldwide articles, companies, and floral experts- Research-based marketing strategies to improve floral crop sales to consumers- The world?s largest floral postharvest and marketing searchable database- Care and handling recommendations for over 450 floral crops- No fee services including consultations, programs, visitations, and webinars. The eManual is available in three versions to ensure its content can be properly displayed and easily read on a wide variety of devices compatible with Kindle, Windows, OS X, Barnes and Nobel Nook, and/or Android (Nexus, Sony, Samsung Galaxy, etc.). Click on the following link to learn more about (and how to obtain) your eManual copy of the Care, Handling, and Marketing Recommendations for Floral Crops as well as guidelines to help you select the best eManual version for your use:*) In the US, about 6-8% of all cut flower sales use overnight delivery services like Federal Express to deliver flowers direct to consumers.? The companies that fill these orders are called fulfillment centers.? They can be growers, importers, bouquet companies, etc.? The biggest such company is Proflowers ( They have many fulfillment centers, some they own and some they contract for the services. Key wordsPoscosecha?? ?postcosecha?? ?postharvest?? ?na-oes?? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ?post-r?colte?? ????? ?? ??????????? ??? ?post-raccolta?? ?p?s-colheita?? ????????????????? ?hasat sonras?Flores?? ??? ?flowers?? ?blomme?? ???????? ???? ?fleur?? ??????????? ?????? ?fiore?? ? ?? ????????? ??i?ek?? ? ?????
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