Conditioning , Cooling and CA , Packaging , Processing

New WYMA website, plenty of information, attractive and friendly

The packinghouse machinery specialist WYMA has updated its website. The reader is welcomed by an attractive image that shows, on the white background that characterizes the company, vegetables for which they have solutions, among which root vegetables (carrot, sweet potato, potato, beet, onion, ...) but not only. Wyma also manufactures solutions for broccoli, pumpkin, walnuts, ... Wyma asks the reader if he is getting the most out of his carrots ... and they answer with Wyma solutions to increase the quality of this vegetable and its shelf life. The Home page also indicates the number of pieces of Wyma equipment

06 November, 2017
The packinghouse machinery specialist WYMA has updated its website. The reader is welcomed by an attractive image that shows, on the white background that characterizes the company, vegetables for which they have solutions, among which root vegetables (carrot, sweet potato, potato, beet, onion, ...) but not only. Wyma also manufactures solutions for broccoli, pumpkin, walnuts, ... Wyma asks the reader if he is getting the most out of his carrots ... and they answer with the option to download the book with solutions to increase the quality of this vegetable and its shelf life. The Home page also indicates the number of pieces of Wyma equipment worldwide, the countries using Wyma equipment, and... the carrots on average eaten by a Wyma employee each week! From the Products tab an image is displayed with the different operations in storage: Conveying, Cooling / Preserving, Destoning, Drying, Filling, Hoppers, Inspecting, Packing / Palletising, Peeling, Sizing, Tipping, Washing / Brushing, Washing / Polishing, Waste Removal, Water Recycling. For each team within these categories there is a description, the characteristics are explained and there are videos and photos, and the option to consult. The "Line Solutions" tab shows different options for packaging lines, according to different customer needs. The after-sales service is carried out from the headquarters in New Zealand and from Europe, information that is found, among others, in Support, and in Contact, we can meet the Sales Team of the company and the WYMA Global Network . In "About us" they explain the "fresh thinking story" that underlies the appropriate solutions that they propose to each client, explain their story, customers, leadership team, the latest news and events, with option to subscribe to the newsletter at the end (also available at the bottom of Home), job opportunities, ... The website is, in addition to English, in German, Spanish, French and Polish. Numerous videos illustrate machinery, facilities and success stories.  Congratulations!!
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