
On the tree and postharvest ripening evaluation by the DA-METER

The stage of fruit ripeness at the harvest is a fundamentally important part of determining the final quality of the product and its conservation potential. The DA Index® was created to evolve and simplify the actually existing evaluation, in order to avoid the problems associated with them. It works by measuring a value that is not actually correlated to the seasonality (the presence of chlorophyll) and that consequently does not require calibrations. Furthermore, measuring the absorbance of only two wavelengths allows one to perform the measurement using simple, low cost devices. The DA-Meter, by tr turoni, can be used for fruit on the tree, and it follows the fruit ripening after the harvest and during

28 August, 2017
The stage of fruit ripeness at the harvest is a fundamentally important part of determining the final quality of the product and its conservation potential. The DA Index® was created to evolve and simplify the actually existing evaluation, in order to avoid the problems associated with them.  It works by measuring a value that is not actually correlated to the seasonality (the presence of chlorophyll) and that consequently does not require calibrations. Furthermore, measuring the absorbance of only two wavelengths allows one to perform the measurement using simple, low cost devices. The DA-Meter, by tr turoni, can be used for fruit on the tree, and it follows the fruit ripening after the harvest and during the storage. DA METER® Handheld, is used for standard fruits such as pears, apples, plums, apricots and peaches. Also available DA METER® Handheld, for Cherries (picture), and DA METER® Handheld, for Kiwifruits. More information 
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