
Paclife's objectives and actions for the care of the environment

PACLIFE has set out to mitigate the environmental impact of our technology through actions, studies and feedback from our customers, in order to achieve a sustainable process and product that extends the shelf life of food by minimising losses, while maintaining the sensory, cosmetic and nutritional characteristics. Food loss is estimated to represent 1/3 of global food production according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). An alarming figure that ranges from the postharvest of food, through processing, logistics and distribution in the agricultural sector, to final consumption. It also involves the waste of other resources, such as water.

16 June, 2021
PACLIFE has set out to mitigate the environmental impact of their technology through actions, studies and feedback from their customers, in order to achieve a sustainable process and product that extends the shelf life of food by minimising losses, while maintaining the sensory, cosmetic and nutritional characteristics. Food loss is estimated to represent 1/3 of global food production according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). An alarming figure that ranges from the postharvest of food, through processing, logistics and distribution in the agricultural sector, to final consumption. It also involves the waste of other resources, such as water. Its technology is designed for sustainable use with low environmental impact, which is why we are based on the three laws of sustainability: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Based on this, Paclife has proposed different actions to the industry, among which is the reduction of plastic film thicknesses and the creation of eco-sustainable packaging that is completely compostable after use. On the other hand, all its product lines are based on polyethylene which, within plastics, is the second agent with the lowest environmental impact after PET. In addition, all the plastic leftover from the production of modified atmosphere packaging is reused under sanitary disposal for other business lines of the company. In 2021, they confirmed their commitment to the fight against food waste by launching the official line of PacLife Home products, modified atmosphere packaging, with the same effectiveness as the products of the export industry, but to be used by Chilean families in their own kitchens, also helping the circular economy. In this way, they will continue to raise awareness about food waste and the protection of natural resources, while generating studies and actions that allow us to continue to mitigate the environmental impact and be a contribution to the protection of the environment.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea