The cultivation of "Rojo Brillante" persimmon has undergone a great expansion in recent years. At the same time, its production is associated with a large amount of post-harvest losses that largely corresponds to the production of persimmon that does not meet the conversion requirements to maintain the Denomination of Origin name. Therefore, the development of products that can obtain their recovery is of great interest. Another disadvantage of this variety of persimmon is its high degree of astringency. Therefore, there are different techniques, such as anaerobic treatments (CO2 chambers), for the elimination of astringency, causing the insolubilization of tannins, maintaining their properties and firmness, without damaging the product. This also supposes
The cultivation of "Rojo Brillante" persimmon has undergone a great expansion in recent years. At the same time, its production is associated with a large amount of post-harvest losses that largely corresponds to the production of persimmon that does not meet the conversion requirements to maintain the Denomination of Origin name. Therefore, the development of products that can obtain their recovery is of great interest. Another disadvantage of this variety of persimmon is its high degree of astringency. Therefore, there are different techniques, such as anaerobic treatments (CO2 chambers), for the elimination of astringency, causing the? insolubilization of tannins, maintaining their properties and firmness, without damaging the product. This also supposes an extra cost at the time of its verification. The objective of the present work was to explore the use of hot air drying in persimmon, both astringent and non-astringent. The samples were cut into 0.5 cm slices and dried in a stove with hot air at 40 and 60?C for 23 and 9 hours respectively, until reaching a humidity of approximately 15%. The effect of the dehydration process was analyzed on the physicochemical, mechanical and optical properties of the samples. At the same time, a sensory tasting was carried out to determine the acceptability of the products by consumers in which different questions related to the products were selected. In addition, the soluble tannin content of the samples was determined, which was related to the astringency of the samples. In general, drying resulted in harder samples, with greater translucency and a more orange tone than fresh samples. Drying decreased the soluble tannin content that resulted in a lower astringency detected by consumers. The snacks were well accepted by consumers; however, the one made with astringent persimmon and dried at 60?C had lower values in the attributes of flavor and global acceptability.? FigureCorresponds to Figure 15 of the original work. It shows the acceptability for appearance, taste, texture and overall of the samples dehydrated at 40? and 60?. The letters indicate the significant differences obtained by the Tukey HSD test. A40: astringent samples dehydrated at 40 ? C; A60: astringent samples dehydrated at 60 ? C; NA40: non-astringent samples dehydrated at 40 ? C; NA60: non-astringent samples dehydrated at 60?C. SourceObtenci?n de snacks de caqui en base a la deshidrataci?n de destr?os pososecha Anana? Garc?a Cases, Final degree project, ETSIA, UPV, Spain Academic directors: Dra. Isabel Hernando Hernando; Dr. Gemma Moraga Ballesteros Experimental director: Mrs. Cristina Mart?nez Gonz?lezValencia, June 2020 Access to the complete work