
Plastic should not be considered as a waste but as a great resource

"Plastic is a topic to tackle without fear and companies like ours can, indeed must, make their own contribution". So said Giuseppe Montaguti, CEO of INFIA, present on Monday 11 November 2019 at the company Siropack of Cesenatico (Forlì-Cesena), at the presentation of a circular economy project for the enhancement of the plastic material used.

22 November, 2019
"Plastic is a topic to tackle without fear and companies like ours can, indeed must, make their own contribution". So said Giuseppe Montaguti, CEO of INFIA, present on Monday 11 November 2019 at the company Siropack of Cesenatico (Forlì-Cesena), at the presentation of a circular economy project for the enhancement of the plastic material used. "We need laws to favor recycling - he said - and it is not useful for anyone to demonize this material that has indisputable qualities. For example, polymers do not degrade and can be reused practically without limits. Moreover, thanks to their inertia they have no equal for contact with food. Beware of dangerous emotional reactions". For a long time, Infia has presented a complete line of products made from recycled PET (R-PET 80 – 20 %). An example: from the recycling of a bottle of mineral water you get two baskets for strawberries of 500 gr, which in turn will become new raw material. 100% recycled R-PET "removes" plastic from the sea and protects the environment, not the other way around.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea