
Productos Citrosol S.A. joins Ailimpo to boost the collaboration with the lemon and grapefruit sector

CITROSOL has formalized its incorporation into AILIMPO as a member of the Comisión Consultiva de la Interprofesional. In this way, the relationship that both entities have been developing for several campaigns has been formalized with the objective of generating synergies and mutual knowledge for the benefit of the Spanish lemon and grapefruit sector in the field of post-harvest treatments, which are fundamental to guarantee the consumer a product of the highest quality and food safety.

01 June, 2017
CITROSOL has formalized its incorporation into AILIMPO as a member of the Comisión Consultiva de la Interprofesional. In this way, the relationship that both entities have been developing for several campaigns has been formalized with the objective of generating synergies and mutual knowledge for the benefit of the Spanish lemon and grapefruit sector in the field of post-harvest treatments, which are fundamental to guarantee the consumer a product of the highest quality and food safety. The AILIMPO Advisory Committee was created in 2016 and is an advisory body of which auxiliary companies, research centers and other entities linked to our sector may form part. AILIMPO has been the first Spanish interprofessional to develop this consultative body with the objective of responding to the new challenges of the sector that demand to generate knowledge and continuous improvement for the benefit of the sector as a whole. For Jose Antonio García, Director of AILIMPO, the incorporation of CITROSOL to AILIMPO "is a strong step to be able to share concerns between the lemon and grapefruit sector and a company like CITROSOL that is a reference in technology and post-harvest treatments. This collaboration will enable us to improve communication, detect needs and implement appropriate solutions that will allow us to sell our lemons and grapefruits in distant destinations, such as China, Indonesia, Singapore, the Middle East, Brazil, Canada, South Africa ... " On the other hand, from AILIMPO it was also highlighted as a fundamental element that has made possible this collaboration that "both entities, AILIMPO and CITROSOL, share values ??and a vision of the future based on criteria of sustainability, environmental respect and generation of added value" PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, S.A. based in Valencia, is a company specialized in the development and implementation of post-harvest solutions in fruits and vegetables, applying technologies and innovative treatments in order to increase the commercial life of the fruits once they have been harvested, so that they reach consumers with the highest commercial standards of quality, freshness and flavor. Benito Orihuel, Managing Director of CITROSOL, points out: "we work to give new solutions to the commercial operators in the sector, who are increasingly demanding from the markets, both end consumers and supermarket chains. With this objective, collaboration with AILIMPO will accelerate the implementation of better solutions by protecting the fruit and making possible the access and consolidation of lemon and grapefruit in new markets, where until now, the long transport time is a difficulty that we will try to solve by minimizing environmental costs and ensuring the quality of fruit and food safety " About AILIMPOAilimpo is an interprofessional at the national level, based in Murcia, officially recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the European Commission, representing the economic interests of producers, cooperatives, exporters and industrialists of lemon and grapefruit in Spain. It is a sector with an average production of 1,000,000 tons of which it destines to the market in fresh 750,000 tons, and to the industry of transformation 250,000 tons with an average turnover of more than 700 million euros. The average export exceeds 650,000 tons to more than 80 countries. About CitrosolCitrosol, a leading company in technology and post-harvest treatments with the objective that the fruits reach the consumer in perfect conditions. It has a turnover of 20 million euros per year and 82 workers. The company has recently inaugurated its Center of Post-harvest Technology and Pilot Plant that has turned it into the reference of its segment in research activity at continental level. It was Cepyme 2015 prize in Technological Innovation and has the stamp of Innovative Pyme granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Citrosol has become a strategic ally for its customers, to whom it contributes results. Quality service, reduction of industrial variability and social responsibility with the development of environmentally sustainable products are the basis of the daily work of this company.
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