Conditioning , Cooling and CA , Packaging , Processing

Reduce damage and increase productivity, shelf life and efficiency with automated bin warehousing

WYMA has recently added automatic bin warehousing to its portfolio of packing shed products. Automated warehousing systems (ASRS) have significant benefits for fruit and vegetable packers needing short term storage between washing, pre-grading and packing. - Bins are stacked efficiently, automatically, and at high speed with a minimum building footprint. - Traceability is high; product data including grower ID, field ID, variety, size, quality grade, harvest date is tracked to the consumer package automatically. - Realtime data of product in storage, age, location and process date, is available in an instant. - Bin storage systems are gentle on produce compared to bulk storage systems. - There is virtually no labour required to manage the system. - ASRS systems are surprisingly cost effective compared to traditional alternatives.

06 June, 2019
WYMA has recently added automatic bin warehousing to its portfolio of packing shed products. Automated warehousing systems (ASRS) have significant benefits for fruit and vegetable packers needing short term storage between washing, pre-grading and packing.- Bins are stacked efficiently, automatically, and at high speed with a minimum building footprint.- Traceability is high; product data including grower ID, field ID, variety, size, quality grade, harvest date is tracked to the consumer package automatically.- Realtime data of product in storage, age, location and process date, is available in an instant.- Bin storage systems are gentle on produce compared to bulk storage systems.- There is virtually no labour required to manage the system.- ASRS systems are surprisingly cost effective compared to traditional alternatives.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea