This forum organized by The Center for Produce Safety will provide an update on the science and current thinking on Cyclospora, and offer practical and useful information on mitigation strategies for growers. It brings together a wide variety of stakeholders including growers, academics, government agencies, trade associations, grower organizations and others interested in learning more about this important parasite and in seeking practical solutions to prevent Cyclospora contamination and illnesses attributed to produce. This gathering provides a forum for a diverse audience of stakeholders to think together and discuss areas of concern about this important issue in the produce industry.
This forum organized by?The Center for Produce Safety?will provide an update on the science and current thinking on?Cyclospora, and offer practical and useful information on mitigation strategies for growers. It brings together a wide variety of stakeholders including growers, academics, government agencies, trade associations, grower organizations and others interested in learning more about this important parasite and in seeking practical solutions to prevent?Cyclospora?contamination and illnesses attributed to produce. This gathering provides a forum for a diverse audience of stakeholders to think together and discuss areas of concern about this important issue in the produce industry. Forum Program10:00 AM ? 12:00 PM Pacific Welcome?? Robert Gravani, Ph.D.,?Professor Emeritus of Food Science at Cornell University The History, Biology and Characterization of?Cyclospora cayetanensis?Robert Mandrell, Ph.D., USDA Research Scientist, retired Produce Outbreaks Caused by?Cyclospora: Lessons LearnedAnne Straily, VM, MPH, DACVPM, Veterinary Medical Officer, Parasitic Diseases Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Prevalence of?Cyclospora?in Water and ProduceYnez Ortega, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Center for Food Safety, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia Sources and Prevalence of?Cyclospora cayetanensis?in Southeastern US Water Sources and Growing EnvironmentsMia Mattioli, Ph.D., Environmental Engineer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cyclospora: Potential Reservoirs and Occurrence in Irrigation Waters in the SouthwestGeraldo Lopez, Ph.D., Assistant Extension Specialist, Assistant Professor, School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, University of Arizona Surveillance for?Cyclospora?in Produce in CanadaLaura Lalonde, M.Sc., B.S.A., Supervisor Science Laboratory Services, Centre for Food-borne and Animal Parasitology, Science Branch, Canadian Food Inspection Agency / Government of Canada Determination of Physical and Chemical Mechanisms to Prevent?Cyclospora?Infection?Scott Lenaghan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Director, Department of Food Science, University of Tennessee Panel Discussion on current issues in?Cyclospora- Laura Lalonde,?M.Sc., B.S.A., Supervisor Science Laboratory Services, Science Branch,?Canadian Food Inspection Agency / Government of Canada - Mia Mattioli,?Ph.D., Environmental Engineer, Centers for Disease Control and Preventio - Jennifer McEntire, Ph.D., Senior Vice President Food Safety,?United Fresh Produce Association - Alexandre J. da Silva, M.Sc., Ph.D. SBRBPAS Expert? ? Office of Applied Research and Safety Assessment? ? Division of Virulence Assessment Senior Biomedical Research Service Research? ? Microbiologist/Lead Parasitologist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Challenges and Opportunities for the FutureRobert Mandrell, Ph.D., USDA Research Scientist, retired ? Concluding Remarks and AdjournmentRobert Gravani, Ph.D.,?Professor Emeritus of Food Science at Cornell University?12:00 PM ? 12:30 PM ? All presenters will be available for the Q&A Session.