Cooling and CA , Measurements

Ripening room & Degreening room management

Catalytic Generators has partnered with Felix Instruments to develop high and low range Ethylene Management Controllers with a variety of sensors with ranges specific to the fruit you ripen or degreene. Focusing on pre- and postharvest applications, Felix Instruments helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products. With years of experience in ethylene ripening, Catalytic Generators understands the need for ethylene control in real-time, without the hassle of physically going to each individual ripening room. This is why we?ve collaborated to develop ripening room management systems for low range (0-10 ppm) and high range (10-1000

30 April, 2021
Catalytic Generators has partnered with Felix Instruments to develop high and low range Ethylene Management Controllers with a variety of sensors with ranges specific to the fruit you ripen or degreene. Focusing on pre- and postharvest applications, Felix Instruments helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products. With years of experience in ethylene ripening, Catalytic Generators understands the need for ethylene control in real-time, without the hassle of physically going to each individual ripening room. This is why we’ve collaborated to develop ripening room management systems for low range (0-10 ppm) and high range (10-1000 ppm) ethylene application. Reduce waste and spoilage by removing the guesswork from your ripening room monitoring: Remotely monitor your facilities. To order, please visit the website of Felix Instruments. - F-901R AccuRipe for monitoring and control of cold storage rooms - F-901D10 AccuRipe for monitoring and control of ripening rooms that specialize in degreening (picture)
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