Phytosanitaries , Processing

Simon Matthews, a pioneer of the edible coatings

Edible coatings, first for whole fruits and vegetables, and later on for minimally processed, are in the market from more than 25 years. SempreFresh, for whole produce, and NatureSeal, for fresh-cut, offer, from decades ago, solution to keep the quality and shelf life without synthetic chemicals, time before food safety were a top concern of the society, and with other benefits. We interview Simon Matthews, manager of Mantrose UK and responsible for all Europe of AgriCoat NatureSeal. Questions by Alicia Namesny, The first time we meet, in an exhibition, you were starting to promote AgriCoat NatureSeal, at a time the fresh-cut was, at least in Europe, in the very very beginning (*). How did you arrive to this new world, at the time, of the natural formulas? I am proud to report that 2020 is an important Anniversary year for AgriCoat, since it was 25 years ago that we joined the Mantrose Haeuser family of companies. Mantrose is an American corporation that offers solutions for maintaining

27 May, 2020
Edible coatings, first for whole fruits and vegetables, and later on for minimally processed, are in the market from more than 25 years.   SempreFresh, for whole produce, and NatureSeal, for fresh-cut, offer, from decades ago, solution to keep the quality and shelf life without synthetic chemicals, time before food safety were a top concern of the society, and with other benefits. We interview Simon Matthews, manager of Mantrose UK and responsible for all Europe of AgriCoat NatureSeal. Questions by Alicia Namesny, The first time we meet, in an exhibition, you were starting to promote AgriCoat NatureSeal, at a time the fresh-cut was, at least in Europe, in the very very beginning (*). How did you arrive to this new world, at the time, of the natural formulas?I am proud to report that 2020 is an important Anniversary year for AgriCoat, since it was 25 years ago that we joined the Mantrose Haeuser family of companies. Mantrose is an American corporation that offers solutions for maintaining shelf life and quality across a range of food items; not just fresh produce but also bakery and confectionery items. My own involvement with the produce industry goes back somewhat further. After graduating from University Wales with a BSc  degree in Applied Biology (Specialising in Crop Protection ), I joined a British company developing environmentally friendly solutions for minimising waste and spoilage in fresh produce. In 1995, our focus was concentrated on developing edible coatings (such as SEMPERFRESH) designed to delay ripening and reduce spoilage of whole fruits and vegetables after harvest.  We were one of the pioneering companies working with plant based ingredients such as vegetable oils and sugar esters to engineer postharvest coatings that delay ripening, maintain colour, firmness, flavour profile  while  reducing certain physiological problems such as chilling injury in sub-tropical fruits. In fact, the marriage with Mantrose greatly strengthened our capabilities in postharvest as it meant we were joined with a leading supplier of shellac, an ingredient used extensively in fruit waxes and coatings to provide protection, limit weight loss and maintain an attractive appearance. One of the strengths of our group is our culture of open innovation.  We continue to partner with research groups, institutes, Universities, and other companies to develop solutions to challenges across the industries we serve.  One of the most successful collaborations ever was the CRADA programme with the USDA that spawned NatureSeal TM products.  It was obvious that addressing shelf life challenges in prepared produce required a novel approach from our systems for traditional produce. Peeling, slicing and cutting fresh produce presents new challenges such as enzymatic browning, loss of texture and flavour.  The NatureSeal, products developed with the USDA, became the enabling technology for long shelf life fresh cut fruit and vegetables. The company was reorganised with the name AgriCoat NatureSeal Ltd in 2002 better reflecting our capabilities to offer shelf life solutions in traditional and fresh cut fruit produce. Right now, both, fresh-cut produce and without chemicals, are growing demands, also in hard times, like it happened in the 2010 crisis and right now with de Covid-19 pandemia. But, at the time you started, also the fresh-cut were starting in Europe and the concerns for the healthy eating were not an outstanding driver. By sure you experienced a desert crossing … What did you “see” in this kind of products that make yourself believe in them and make the by sure enormous efforts of introducing something… nobody was asking for?What you say is very true. Developing NatureSeal in the fresh cut sector was a long and at times a lonely journey.  When we began, the fresh cut offer was dominated by leafy salad mixes and peeled potatoes while cut fruit was only used in volume by bakeries. Treatments such as sulphites or acids were the only widely used treatment to prevent browning.  These were either recognised as allergens or imparted such an undesirable taste taint that processors would cover the produce with sugar solution or juices to mask the acidity. We knew we had developed something special. NatureSeal, a simple blend of vitamins and minerals, could keep cut fruit fresh, maintaining texture and importantly a natural taste. A fresh cut apple slice could now last up to two, even three weeks;  but nobody cared! But we never gave up. Some of those early trade shows were challenging; not everyone saw the potential -  but what made the difference were some of the key people we met along the way. In truth, across Europe, there is probably only a handful of people that shared our vision and saw the real potential that NatureSeal could unleash. These were pioneers and industry leaders, in tune with the contemporary megatrends of healthy, convenient snacking. Their energy and drive and vision was inspirational and the partnerships we formed were key to getting retailers and in particular the QSFR sector on board. The successful launch of the “fruit bag” took NatureSeal global. I am glad to say we have shared the same journey get the same buzz today when working on a new product or application.  The enthusiasm has not dimmed when working with a customer on a new product line. The thrill of seeing something that started life in a lab bench test finally turn up on a supermarket shelf is as great as ever. I think you can say we have shared journey as Poscosecha.  We were introduced to your postharvest directory at this early trade shows and witnessed your own drive and enthusiasm take you model forward as it has evolved to the powerful on-line tool it is today. Semperfresh and AgriCoat NatureSeal are currently available worldwide. Please, tell us the commercial structures existing and the range of existing solutions.  In Europe, which are the “best sellers” range of products?We are part of a global business and work with agents and distributors in different countries. AgriCoat supports customers across Europe, Middle East and Africa.  Our head office is located in Westport Connecticut, operating an extensive technical sales force across North America and also supporting customers throughout Central and South America. Finally, we also operate out of Hong Kong where our office supports our Asian client base.   I believe our global connections and activity across diverse markets has brought added value to our client base.  We can see the very best and most novel product lines as they are brought to market in different continents and can share and build on these experiences. NatureSeal formulations are focused on processors, foodservice and home use. In which stage of implantation is each of those groups of products in the different main markets? Are differences between the requests of the different markets? NatureSeal products are indeed used across many sectors. Our clients range from some of the largest chilled food manufacturers supplying the World’s leading retailers while, in USA especially,  our home packs are used by individual households preparing snacks for kid’s lunch boxes, picnics and parties.  As well as retail, the Food service is an important sector globally, and whilst this has faced strong head winds during the Covid-19 Pandemic we are seeing signs of recovery as some restaurants and hospitality outlets begin to re-open. For all companies research and development of new or improved products is key. But, in the case of your company, seems to be the essence. Where are the developments going in the short place? And with a longer view? NatureSeal way born out of a Co-operative Research programme with US Government researchers and constant innovation has been key to success. After initial success with apples, new NatureSeal blends have been developed for a wider range of prepared fruits and vegetables.  Customers wanted to introduce more variety, taste or colour into their fresh cut offer, and we have responded by developing in specialist solutions for mango, stone fruit and recipes for avocado or banana slices. Likewise, we have offered special formulations for organic produce (products for washing and decontaminating, as well as to prevent browning).  We are currently working on frozen produce, including methods for maintaining shelf life after defrosting.  Several exciting projects are continuing with leafy salad crops – chlorine-free applications for decontamination as well as dips to protect against browning and pinking. Meanwhile there is much going on with our edible coatings for whole fruit. We are exploring opportunities for our coatings to minimise plastic in maintaining shelf life and reducing waste in fresh produce. About AgriCoat NatureSeal AgriCoat NatureSeal Ltd. is part of the Mantrose-Bradshaw-Zinsser Group (MBZ). Mantrose (UK) is the British based subsidiary of the American MBZ Group. MBZ have over 100 years of experience in formulating natural, edible coatings and specialty films for a variety of aesthetic and functional benefits for fruits, nuts, confectionary, baked goods, and other food products. Semperfresh, for whole fruits, delays ripening, colour change, softening, prevents splitting and cracking in cherries, reduces chilling injury and rub marks in fruits with delicate skin like pears, protects melons,... NatureSeal, for fresh-cut (minimally processed fruits a vegetables), is a blend of natural products (vitamins, minerals), with specific fresh-cut formulas  to combat oxidation and liquid purging. It enhances shelf life up to 21 days without altering the flavour. Currently more than 30 formulas offer solutions for a range of produce, with solutions for processors, foodservice and home use.  NatureSeal formulas also comply with requests of different groups of customers like sulfite-free (GRAS), allergen-free, GMO-free, and Kosher and Halal certified, with some blends certified for use on organic produce.   (*) At this time was also at the very beginning, and also the Internet introduction in the agribusiness. Thank you!!, Simon, for believing in us from so many years ago.
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