
Simple and safe packaging of fresh herbs and loose lettuce leaves

ULMA Packaging has introduced a completely new vertical filling system (VFFS) to the market. This system makes packaging fresh herbs and loose lettuce leaves much easier. Manual intervention during the packaging process is minimised, saving growers time and money. The VTI 640 V VFFS solution developed by ULMA features a suction unit that quickly and reliably pulls the bag downward without damaging it. The product is handled gently throughout the process without blockage of the infeed area. This innovation ensures customers a fast return on investment. Improvements offered by the VTI 640 V model

24 January, 2018
ULMA Packaging has introduced a completely new vertical filling system (VFFS) to the market. This system makes packaging fresh herbs and loose lettuce leaves much easier. Manual intervention during the packaging process is minimised, saving growers time and money. The VTI 640 V VFFS solution developed by ULMA features a suction unit that quickly and reliably pulls the bag downward without damaging it. The product is handled gently throughout the process without blockage of the infeed area. This innovation ensures customers a fast return on investment. Improvements offered by the VTI 640 V model represent a cost-effective alternative to ultrasonic sealing, since the product sits lower in the bag and is outside the sealing zone.The new solution will be exhibited in Fruit Logistica, ULMA Packaging stand, Hall 3.1, Booth A-03 SourceFruit Logistica Spotlight
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